Wake me if you're out there

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A/N: hey guys! Knifeflix here, and the title is actually a lyric that was in the song called "Angels" by Owl city.
Now I'm gonna confess . I am a HUGE fan of Owl City, Adam Young was there when I was just a kid and his songs inspire me in every way possible.
So yeah.

~Evan's  P.O.V~
I laid on the bed, smiling like an idiot. It was Friday, and I always look forward to Fridays.you know why? Because my best friend/boy friend,  Jonathan comes by at random times, mostly at night. I kinda live alone so when he does visit me, we would spend the night laughing our heads off and playing video games.I have been having a thing going for him for while now and sometimes, it's hard to hide it when all he does is make me blush.

He would sometimes laugh that signature maniac laugh of his and even in that little gesture, I would blush.
I fell for him..hard! And im not gonna lie, it's a little scary but I excepted it nonetheless.
Sometimes I would fall asleep while waiting for him, but then he would always wake me up in surprise, I loved how he would constantly smile at me and yell. "Hey bitch! Missed me?" And to which I would always reply with a smirk saying "you wish".
I would always remember those times and I would never want them to end..sadly, he said he had to go and take care of his "kingdom" I know it's kinda crazy to your ears but he actually has one, he's next in line to the throne actually and that saddened me to know that by the time he'd be crowned, we would have less time together. He says it might be once every three weeks and that scared me. I don't want to lose him, yet why is  fate so cruel?

I waited for him, just staring at the ceiling, I know that any moment now, I would fall asleep and wake up to a cheerful Jonathan in the room, playing his heart out.
I introduced video gamed to him by the way, since he lived in an ancient kinda time and he had no idea what video games are. He actually grew addicted to them and we played ever since.
Just then, I could hear that familiar flutter of heavy wings outside my window.
I looked over, smiling at the boy outside my window, hovering gracefully with his white fluffly wings.
Now that is the most interesting part of Jonathan. He was not just some boy, he was a guardian.
I ran to the window and opened it, letting him in.
A smile was plastered on his face then he wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you Evan" he remarked
I smiled and blushed furiously and replied "I missed you too Jonathan"
I pulled away and stroked his wings, he always loved it when I do that.
I would stroke his wings on some nights while he plays.
His ecy blue eyes always held mystery in them and it intrigued me so much.

"I love you"Jonathan spoke
"I love you too" I didn't hesitate to say.

A/N: Yeah...another short one shot..sorry about that, but I did release three chapters today.
Peace out everybody!!

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