The Day I'll See You Again

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Jonathan smiled as he got out from his plane, it had been a whole year since he last visited Boston and this year was going to be one of the biggest conventions ever held the only thing that was nagging in the back of hisimd though was Evan himself, they haven't played much since the incident last year, and Jonathan felt more alone then ever, sure he had Cartoonz to play with and game with him every other day and the lad sure helped a lot in keeping Jonathan's mind off of Evan..well most of the time.

"Ready for this?" Cartoonz asked as they approached the hotel they were staying at, Jonathan nodded and they both boarded the elevators upwards.

"Delirious! Convention starts in ten minutes get yo ass up!" Cartoonz yelled as he shook Jonathan awake, he grumbled wanting nothing more than to sleep for a few more minutes, besides, Evan was going to be in the convention and he felt sick just with the thought of seeing him again, what will he say? What will he do? Will he ignore him?

"JONATHAN DENIS DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF AGAIN" Cartoonz yelled and finally dragged Jonathan off of bed.

Their walk to the convention was a bit loud specially when he met Lui, David and Tyler on the way Tyler was still messing around with Jonathan, telling him how he would totally date the clown if he "swung" that way, Jonathan waved it off as they entered the convention, it was bustling with thousands upon thousands of people but only one stood out, and it was Evan who had his phone up his ear at one corner of the room, he looked magnificent, so..beautiful than what Jonathan had remembered the last time he was the Asian.
And when Evan's eyes met Jonathan's the world came to a stop as Jonathan smiled, but Evan could only smile sadly back.
Confused, Jonathan walked over to him, ready to greet him and give him the biggest hug of his life when...He saw it.
A girl, with long flowing brunette hair, beautiful green eyes and a bubbly personality, walked up to Evan and kissed him.
Jonathan stopped dead in his tracks as he watched them smile and walk away, his heart was thundering, his tears were beggining to pool from his eyes, he couldn't remember the cameras flashing as he was pushed to Evan's side to get a good shot, he couldn't remember standing next to Evan and his girlfriend posing for the pictures and he couldn't even remember when he sat down at the podium and answering questions as they filled in.

But he could remember the look on Evan's face when Jonathan answered the very last question, he could see the shock, the happiness then finally..the guilt and regret "so Jonathan" the host started as he diverted his attention to the man in front of him "there was a rumor going around that you are attracted to Vanossgaming and with all the H20vanoss ship flying around, we are confused care to shine a little light on the subject?" His throat felt dry, and an uncomfortable silence fell upon the crowd, and with an aching sensation in his chest, Jonathan stated "he's my best friend yes...but when I look at him, he's different, he's not just my friend, he had grown to be my light, my world and addiction" murmurs rose up but Jonathan could only look at Evan's was sad face full of regret "a drug that I should be refraining from...I should get a rehab, that might help" and that helped ease the tension as giggles and chuckles escaped from the audience "but yeah, to answer your question, yes I am attracted to Vanossgaming...but some things are not to be, because I see him now,happy with his girlfriend...and i am happy for him...I am" the tears arrived as he stood up and turned to leave the building without being dismissed.

Jonathan busted in his room and curled up on the bed, forgetting to text Cartoonz that he was leaving, he felt bad for being such a douche but his heart was not having his bullshit anymore..and that kiss right there..the one he saw earlier at the convention proved to him that he should just move on...just move on Jonathan, it was so easy to say but so fucking hard to do.

Meanwhile, Evan weaved through the crowd, looking for Jonathan but when he couldn't find the lad he settled for looking for Luke instead, the person who has Jonathan's full trust.
Evan had tears in his eyes, he wanted nothing more than to see Jonathan again, talk things out and start over again, now that he had front of the whole fucking crowd and possibly all of YouTube that H20Vanoss can in fact be made a reality if Evan wasn't so scared of trying at least.
The guilt settled in and the craving started, the one where only Jonathan can satisfy.
When Evan finally found Luke, he was talking to someone
On his phone, he had a sad look on his face as he put it away.

"Where is he?" Evan asked and his world fell when Luke replied with a sad tone

"on a plane to North Carolina"
Evan stood there, dumbfounded. Luke then handed him a piece of neatly folded paper "Jonathan wanted to give this to you"


I'm sorry, i fucked up big time. I know it wasn't really meant to be and I regret ever opening my mouth and telling every one that stupid confession.
I'm sorry but what I said in the interview, every word of it..was true, i meant what I said Evan and I completely understand that you don't feel the same I just wanted you to know and at least..the weight on my shoulders, the burden that I carried finally lessened.
I don't ask for much Evan, just that you remember me as your best friend, I'll always be here if you need me but I can't gurantee that I will come around so easily, i will take time to heal and I also ask for your forgiveness.
I'm sorry Evan..and i love you


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