I'm fine up there

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A/N: Now this is about Evan who is being tortured by his own mind as he kept seeing Jon's dead corpse following him around.

Feels up ahead, you have been warned

It was a cold December night as Evan trudged forth towards his friend's house.
Lui had arranged a party to lighten up the mood due to most recent events that had occurred, Evan had found it hard to smile, to laugh and to even speak out how horrible he felt about Jonathan's death.

It had been a year since he died, and Evan still could't wrap his head around the thought.
Jon had die from a car crash, a horrible one.

-kind of a flashback-
Evan remembered how they were driving around town, just laughing there heads off.
It went so fast, the truck headlights were to bright for his eyes as he felt Jonathan jumping from his seat and leaning over to Evan's body, shielding him from the impact.
Then, glass shattered everywhere, some even managed to dig into Evan's cheek as the crimson blood came running down his face.
He felt so disoriented, he felt so confused. He saw red and blue lights flashing before his eyes and he still felt the hand beneath him, pulling him away from the mangled car and setting him down on a stretcher.
Gloved hands began to appear in view and he felt the oxygen mask on his face.
He heard one last scream of someone in the room then everything went black.

Evan woke up three days later on the hospital bed, screaming his heart out and crying his eyes dry when he heard the heartbreaking news from the doctors.
Jonathan was dead, he took most of the impact and died upon arriving at the hospital.
Evan could't stop the tears, couldn't stop his petty whimpers even when Lui burst through the door along with Tyler and Nogla.
they were all in tears, Nogla was punching the white painted walls in anger, Tyler was on the couch, hands on his face as Lui tried to comfort a screaming and crying Evan in his arms.
Luke had tended to Jon that day, he stayed in his room just saying his farewells to Jonathan.
Telling him that he's so lucky to be in a better place now and promising Jon that he'd be strong and carry on.
Hours later, a tired Evan came into the room in his wheelchair that was being pushed by a puffy eyed Lui.
Evan's eyes were red from crying, his cheeks felt numb and his throat was dry, he still had a bandage wrapped around his head and his wounds were still fresh.
Lui stopped pushing the wheelchair just beside Jon's bed as he motioned for Luke to give the Jon and Evan some space.
Luke obliged and left the room.
Silence wrapped around them
All Evan could hear was his heavy breathing and constant sobs that he'd let out.

"I'm so sorry, Jon"

-end of flashback-

Just then, a hand waved in front of Evan, snapping him out from his reverie.
"Evan, come on party's almost starting" Tyler remarked and pulled Evan inside Lui's house.
As always, the atmosphere was very inviting and warm, there was a Christmas tree in the middle of the living room that was adorned in beautiful ornaments, the house smelt of mild spice and baked cookies as everyone settled around the tree.
Evan was silent...as usual.
He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rising, he felt a presence...a bad one, it was the same presence that he felt everyday, whether going to bed, waking up in the morning or even trying to play with the guys.
It always left him either in tears or running away until his legs couldn't take him farther anymore.

And surely enough..when Evan looked to his left.
There was Jonathan, standing by the window.
His mangled corpse was standing upright, his left eye still had a big chunk of glass buried deep in the flesh as blood poured from the wound.

the biggest cut was on Jonathan's chest, he had a huge metal sticking out on either sides of his chest.

Evan's eyes widened, he whimpered and stepped back, bumping into Nogla and surprising him.
"Evan? What's gotten into ye?" He asked, but Evan only looked past his friend to see Jonathan by the Christmas tree, holding a piece of broken glass in his hand.

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