Messages part 2

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Evan sat on a chair beside Jonathan's bed, he didn't know how long he had been sitting his head was buzzing with things..horrible horrible things.
What if Jon never wakes up? What if he'll die? Will he get better? Will he be able to say goodbye?

Evan wasn't stupid he knew that Jon's condition was far from curable and that thought alone broke his very heart
He hunched his back and rest his head on Jonathan's bed, taking the older one's hand in his and pulling it close to his lips.

"Jonathan please...I'm so sorry.
I kept saying that I needed you, without knowing that you needed me...more" he choked on a sob and then let out a waterfall, he felt so torn up and he could feel the emotions starting to swell
The sound of the door opening and closing made Evan turn around in his seat but he never let Jonathan's hand go, he held it gently, thinking that if he gripped too hard Jonathan would break and if he let go Jonathan would disappear.
Luke was by the door, his eyes all red and puffy, his cheeks were stained with dry tears as he spoke with a raspy and uneasy voice.
"The guys wanted to see him" was all he said before the door opened again revealing four  young men. Tyler, Craig, David and Lui.
And out of all people from the four Tyler was the first to step in and sank to his knees by Jonathan's bed "Don't die on us now you Fucker we still need to do that face reveal of yours" Tyler said solemnly, tears were streaming down his cheeks, Jonathan had always been around even before he may Evan and he wouldn't be where he is if Delirious wasn't there.
"Delirious, i though we were going to play who's your daddy this Saturday, don't back out on me man" David said, joining Tyler as the Craig and Lui followed. Sobs were heared blending with the sharp beeping sound of the heart monitor.
"Delirious you need to wake up buddy, you just have to" Craig whispered as Lui sniffed "you didn't even had the chance to meet Brock and Brian"

Even was full on crying now, the guys were all here and they understood that among all of them of course Evan would be the most torn up besides Luke, the two were basically inseparable from the first time they played, with Evan always calling out to Delirious for help when he needed it to asking where Delirious is when they were hiding.
They're just closer to eachother than anyone in the group, but now the friendship had found a dent, a dent in which it could never be fixed
Tyler wiped his tears away and felt anger rise up in him.
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me something was wrong, Jonathan?! I could have helped you!" Tyler complained, resting his head on Jon's chest
"We could have helped you" Craig corrected. Luke was in the corner watching his little brother drift away farther and farther, he knew that Jonathan doesn't have much time left and so he fled from the room and plopped down on the couch, trying to block out the pain in his heart.

Evan sniffed, he could almost swear he felt another presence behind him but dismissed it as Luke. "Jon...just please come back"

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