Running in circles

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And there he is again...all locked up in his room, sulking his life away.
Ever since his channel started going down, i know he did everything just to save it, he began to upload daily, lost sleep, lost his life outside of YouTube and even lost himself. Maybe that's the reason why his life went down the drain. He started to be what his fans wanted him to be, his real self locked up inside of him.
and once again, I'm here outside his door, trying to let this fucker see reason to let me in, to let me help him but all he ever does is push me the fuck away.
I'm *this* close to breaking his door down and just wrap him up in a hug he could never escape, and maybe...just maybe, that's the right thing to do.
"Please let me in" I whispered. It's been minutes, hours, days since he let me see him, i flew halfway around the world for him but why? Why is he doing this to me? To us.
Even our friends are worried for him, his channel had gone inactive and I'm doing the best I can to calm his subscribers Well that's for him to know.
And ask for this slacker in this room right now, I'm trying to bring him back to his feet but the retard wouldn't let me!

I'd give everything for him to open up again, to tell me everything he feels, to tell me what to do to help him....anything.
"Just go! I'm not going to get any better!" He talked from the other side of the door, my anger rose as I kicked his door down. Seeing him curled up in a corner of his room, his hair shriveled and sticking out in random directions, his eyes lost their glow, his face was just full of sorrow.
"It's not the end of the fucking world you idiot, I'm still here for you...we're still here. Me and the guys" he sniffed before shaking his head "what's the point?! YouTube was my lif-" "No!" I interrupted him "YouTube was your past time! Not your life! YouTube is not your master, it's not your Job! You're giving everyone videos to laugh about when they're down, not videos for them to criticize! So isn't the end"
I immediately wrapped him in a hug, the hug that he'll never escape.

"I love you...I'm sorry" he breathed, i could feel his sadness, regret...every single ounce of emotion he's pouring out.
"I love you too"

We're only humans, sometime we would find ourselves running in circles just to find our purpose in life. Trying to fit in is not bad, but when it's hurting you, keeping you from being yourself, then stop..just stop. You may fit in...but that doesn't mean you belong there.
And just like him...he did stop, he stopped listening to criticism, began to be himself again and that's everything I could ask for.
It took a while for him to come around, but with me and our friends by his side, we managed to pull him through.

A/n: this is a little experiment I'm trying to conduct. I want to see how you guys interpret this oneshot.
Who was the depressed one for you? Was it Evan? Or Jonathan?
Who was the one trying to comfort the other?
It's all up to you to decide. Tell me what you think in the comments below and who you though is who.
Until next time

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