Waiting for love

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Jonathan sat on his windowsill, just looking outside as the rain fell on his window, clouding the beautiful view outside.
This day was supposed to be happy for him, it was his birthday but Jonathan could'nt find the courage or the energy to even smile.
He didn't want to play with the guys, he didn't want to see his twitter flooding with greetings of his birthday by now, and he didn't want to look at his phone.

It was like this everyday,it was always like this ever since  the day Evan had gotten married to a beautiful maiden named Bea,
Jonathan knew that he had litterally no challenge agaisnt the lovely girl, her smile, her looks and how Evan would look at her lovingly.
He remembered it like it was yesterday.

It was a monday, but it left Jon broken as the sun was up and about and there was a buzz of excitement in the air.
Jonathan woke up to Lui shaking him awake to get ready because the wedding was only a few hours away.
They stayed at a five star suite in Canada to witness the wedding, all the guys were there, Lui, Nogla, Tyler, Craig, Moo and Terroriser, even Cartoonz managaed to sneak out from his schedule to see Evan.
Everyone was so happy, but Jonathan's cheek hurt after a while, he'd been masking himself, saying that he was so happy for Evan, yet that was simply a huge lie.

He remembered how Evan's eyes shone as he smiled at his soon to be wife walking down the aisle. Her long flowing gown was very fitting for her, but Jonathan had his eyes on Evan.
He was wearing a white tux, smiling with such love in his eyes.
Jonathan knew he'd never experience that kind of look from Evan, not while he loved her.
He remembered how they said
"I Do" how the crowd errupted into cheers.

The next day, Tuesday. He was through with hoping, hoping that it was just all a bad dream and he'd wake up anytime now to see Evan's left hand ring-less and everything would be back the way it is.
But no, Evan was having breakfast with all the guys with his new wife sitting beside him.

Wednesday, Jonathan's empty arms were wide open to give Evan one last hug before departing, he'd gone back to North Carolina that day with Luke and wished Evan well in his new life ahead
He hated to lie to Evan about how he felt but there was nothing he could do about it.
So Jon went home to a very lonely house when the rain poured hard, and thunder roared as lightning flashed.
He sighed and flopped down on his bed and closed his eyes, trying to relax.
Luke was downstairs tending to Jonathan for he knew how Jon was feeling, Luke always knew how Jon felt about Evan and it left the lad heartbroken.

Thursday, he was waiting...Jonathan was waiting for love..any love to come to him, maybe take his mind off of the recent events, Luke had planned a day out for the two of them as Jon only sighed and got ready.
They'd played so many games in the archade that day, Jonathan had his first real smile and laugh as he danced his heart away.
Luke was there, he was happy that Jonathan was slowly recovering, and he'd vowed to be there for him.

It was then Friday, Jonathan thanked the stars as he rode around town on his car, just having a quiet time on his own, he had done a couple of multiplayer games with Luke that morning and recorded it for future uses and uploads in his channel.
It was so quiet round town as he rolled his window down to let the fresh air in.
He breathed in the air when his phone vibrated in his pocket.
Jonathan got it out and saw that Lui had texted him, saying how him, Nogla, Teroriser and Moo will be visiting him tomorrow for a guys night out.
Jonathan smiled, everyone of his buddies will be there, he almost forgot Evan, but even the thought of his name sent Jonathan's mood down in the dumps, so he decided to think about the others instead.

Saturday, Jonathan was burning like a wild fire, well not really but he was having the time of his life as the guys danced on the dance floor with drink in their hands.
Lui was with Nogla by the counter just talking, Terroiser was dancing with Moo in their most ridiculous dance moves as they laughed
And Jonathan was dancing with Luke.
He had drank three shots of alcohol and blamed them as he put his hands around Luke,
Luke didn't protest and pulled Jon closer when an unexpected voice caught their attention

"Having fun are we?" Jonathan looked to his right and confirmed his suspiscions.
Yes...it was Evan with his wife beside him, clinging to him as she kept complaining about how wretched the place is.
Jonathan tho7ght he was only hallucinating, he had to be. It was only the alcohol right? Why would Evan be here in North Carolina? But he decided to go along with it, thinking that if this is only a hallucination, he'll have no trouble letting his anger out.

"What's it to you h-huh?!"! Jon slurred pointing a finger to Evan
"Y-you didn't care about h-how i felt back in your *hic* wedding d-day. Do you know h-how *hic* broke  i was when you *hic* married this hoe?!!" Jonathan just laughed his head off and continued

"You don't c-care about how i *hic* feel, Eeeevvaann. You never even noticed how i fucking *hic* love you after a-all these years" Jon continued as he pulled Luke closer

"So w-why care *hic* now?" And with that said Jon crashed his lips unto Luke who melted into the kiss.

Evan was too disoriented to let all the information sink in, but he did manage to take his wife out of the place and into the hotel they were staying at.
There, he pondered into the thought

Why? Why did i not see the signs?!!

Was the only sentence that he thought before he felt the tears on his eyes.

Sunday, oh he wasn't going to church today that's for sure as
Jonathan was too distracted to the pounding on his head to realize that he was in his house.
The sun blinded  his eyes and he squinted them.
The guys were sound asleep on the floor with their sleeping bags, Lui was already up and greeted Jon a good morning.
He didn't rememeber what happened last night, not even one little bit, but he did remember drinking some shots and dancing with the guys.
He shrugged it off and went downstairs to find Luke cooking breakfast.

Now going back to the present, Jonathan snapped from his reverie to see Luke by the doorway saying that dinner is ready.
He smiled upon seeing the man.
Luke had always been there for him, and he was very happy to have a friend like him.

Jonathan meandered down the stairs and saw quiet a sight.
All the guys were there, happily discussing the things that will happen tomorrow as the others played games like twister or just playing on his xbox.
The only person missing was Evan, but he couldn't comprehend on that thought right now.
He has to be happy.

"Hey Jon! Ready for tomorrow?"
Tyler asked
"Heck yeah"
"Goodluck tomorrow, Jon. You too Luke!" Lui called from the living room
"Thanks Lui"
"Congrats you fuckers" Nogla complimented as well.

Jonathan chukled and turned to Luke
"Ready for our wedding tomorrow,love?" Luke asked
Jonathan smiled and pecked his lips
"Can't wait"


A/N: anyone  want part two?
Just tell me down in da comments love ya guys

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