Waiting for Love (part 2)

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The air was fuzzy and warm, the people in the church were so excited, specially a teary eyed Craig sitting on one of the front row seats, dressed in a nice tuxedo. Beside him was Tyler, rolling his eyes and offering little kisses here and there to calm his boyfriend down.
Behind them, sat David who was trying to fix his tie and was beginning to get irritated when Lui swatted his hand away to straighten it out for him.
And standing on the Altar, Luke stood nervously, trying so hard to conceal his sweaty palms but failed to do so when Ohm, His best man, started chuckling and pointing at him. The guys looked really happy, even the guests are so giddy...and then there's Evan.

He looked so broken, even with his wife beside him he looked so lonely.
After that unfortunate drunken confession from Jonathan, Evan had been having some..withdrawal symptoms. He missed playing games with Jonathan, missed their constant teasing with eachother, he missed those moments where the call only consist of the two of them and they would talk about the most random things and laugh it off.
It made him realize how blind he was, but really, he couldn't blame himself, Evan was raised in a very wealthy and closed-off family, meaning he never really had the freedom of exploring the "other side of the fence" he was always on the safe side
now he was sitting their, thinking about how Cartoonz looked so good in a tuxedo and wondered how Jonathan would look in a white one. Well he was about to find out anyway.
He wondered if this is what Jonathan felt when he attended his wedding, so hopeless, so lonely.
Finally, the doors of the church opened and the organ started playing, all heads turned to the end of the aisle where a very handsome Jonathan stood, he wore a white tuxedo l, his hair was slicked back revealing his sharp features, his blue eyes stood out with the minimal foundation make up he had on his face. He looked so...happy and that made Evan's stomach churn and his chest ache in such a way that he almost forgot how to breath.

Jonathan walked down the aisle with Bryce beside him as his escort. Jonathan was smiling, with happy tears streaming down his cheek, and when Evan turned to look at Luke, he held the same expression as Jonathan.
They really did look so happy, as if they were the only one's in the room, as if the world has completely disappeared.

Evan felt his heart shatter, he couldn't even bring himself to clap when the priest finally announce them as "man and husband" everyone was in tears mostly because of happiness, but Evan's tears were full of regret, sorrow and loneliness.

Jonathan, who was now proclaimed as Jonathan Ryan Patterson, smiled widely as the couple exited the church and into the reception, But Evan was too tired, he was so tired that he found himself bidding goodbye to his friends as he made his way to the hotel with his side trailing beside him, complaining about what single little thing, how missing the food was a disgrace, how leaving abruptly was horrible and stuff like that, but Evan was too far gone to care, and when he reached their room, he just flopped on his bed and slept without changing his clothes.

When the sun rose that morning, Evan groaned and sighed in frustration when he found out that the guys had invited him to breakfast along with the newly weds, he wanted to reject the offer, oh the temptation of getting as far away from the hurt as possible was almost over powering, But Evan composed himself and thumbed a quick reply saying he'll be along in a few minutes, after all, Jonathan did attend the breakfast after his wedding so why not return the favor...well even if it means hurting himself.

Breakfast with the guys made Evan's heart feel a little bit better, it was like old times but this time, Luke and Jonathan were married and Evan was married to his beloved wife
For Evan, he felt awkward and out of place but he forced the hurt down and began to chatter away with the others.

Evan sighed in relief when he finally placed his last set of clothes in his trunk before leaving the hotel with his wife, the guys will be at the airport today to bid eachother goodbye and Evan felt the need to talk to Jonathan, to at least apologize for being so blind and so oblivious about everything this was his last chance to make up to him.
The airport was bustling with people, but with Nigla's height, Evan and his wife were able to spot the other guys huddled around Delirious and Cartoonz,saying their goodbyes and wishing them luck on their new life as a married couple.
Evan whispered to his wife as she nodded before greeting the others, and with that, Evan walked over to Jonathan "Hey Jon" he started with a smile, Jonathan smiled back and nodded at his husband before Luke smiled and gave him a peck on the forehead and running to the others.
Now Evan was alone with his bestfriend, and he knew he needed to get it out as soon as possible
"Listen, Jon..i-i'm so sorry for being so oblivious about how you felt about me" Evan thought Jonathan would lash out on him, would get mad and punch him, but Evan knew that if that were to happen, he deserves every fucking painful blow.
But none of it came, only a smile from Jonathan.
"Evan, that stage of our life is over now, and i forgive you" he said sweetly before placing a hand on Evan's shoulder then continued "maybe we were meant to be together Evan...but not in this universe, maybe in another, we are both living happily ever after but in this one...well, we had it separately, you have Bea and i have Luke" he smiled, Jonathan's words stung like a bitch for Evan, oh how he wished he were in that kind of universe, where he and Jonathan are happily married without any regrets and unsung feelings for eachother.
Evan could only nod, and when he heared their flight being called he gave one last hug to Jonathan before departing, going home to Canada.

Evan could still remember how Jonathan turned to look back at him only to smile before he took Luke's hand in his then walked away. And in that moment, Evan knew that Jonathan was finally over with the hurting, he was finally at peace with his life and maybe...just maybe, he needs it too.

By accepting the fate he chose and letting Jonathan Ryan Patterson go.

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