Radioactive in the Dark

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"In a world where mythical creatures roam in silence, hiding who they really are by disguising themselves as humans, sometimes animals.

There live a dark angel, destined to protect one certain person to prove who he really is, whether he was fit to be called an angel or a devil, they say he lurks in dark forests, misty and gloomy, just waiting for that right person to come along his life"

"wow! Evan! that's a pretty shitty story if you ask me" Tyler teased, flailing his hands in the air then letting it rest around Craig's shoulder.

"hey, my grandfather told me that story when i was young alright, blame him"Evan stuck his tongue out and making a funny face at Tyler.

Nogla was sitting beside Lui, making smores and giggling at each other's jokes every now and then. Jonathan sat beside Evan, barely paying attention to what the Asian said. they were currently in a camp, it was dark out although it was only 7 in the evening, Evan felt cold surrounded by hundreds of trees, grass and plants that he can't name. he felt like an alien to the place but it was inviting nonetheless.

Evan noticed Jonathan's daze and waved his hand in front of his face. "you okay there bud?"Jonathan quickly snapped his head at Evan's direction and smiled, his light blue eyes shimmering under the moonlight, the light from the fire merging with the moon's glow making it look like Jonathan was a perfectly painted angel on a canvas having a forest for a back ground.

"i'm fine, Evan..i'm just tired that's all, i guess" Evan smiled at Jonathan and stood up, making his way towards his tent. Lui an Nogla would be sharing one, Tyler and Craig in the other, and Jonathan and Evan in the last.

Evan didn't hide the fact that he was a bit nervous about sleeping beside Jonathan. He always thought that Jonathan was cute, his personality was his crown and he loved every bit of it.

"Goodnight, Jonathan"Evan said as every one settled into their own tents. Evan stayed up, laying is head down on the soft grass. he gazed at the full moon above him and gaped. he adored how it shone in the night, how it provided dim light.

Evan laid there for who knows how long when a voice pulled him out of his own little world

"why are here out in the dark all alone?" He snapped his head towards the voice and saw that it was only Tyler, lightly rubbing his eyes and sitting beside Evan.
"Can't sleep, just thinking about something" Tyler smirked and teased Evan saying "or are you just nervous because of Jonathan? "

Evan could feel that heat creeping up his face as Tyler finished his sentence
Tyler had always known Evan had a crush on Jonathan but he never admitted it to anyone and would deny it whenever asked about the subject.

"Whatever you say, Ty" Evan looked up at the stars once again and thought about Jonathan. He was crossing his mind for a while now and it was bugging him to the bone.
"Anyway imma go to sleep Kay?" Evan nodded at Tyler and kept quiet.
Just then.. "EVAAANNNN!!!" Mini's voice rang out forcing Evan out if his dreamland.

"Jonathan's gone!" He bolted up and ran towards their tent and saw that mini was right. Jon was not there.

"Did you look around?"
They started to panic which resulted to waking Nogla and Lui up.

"What the fock is going on?" Nogla asked, obviously pissed they disturbed his slumber. Lui on the other hand , only rubbed his eyes and looked lost.
"What gives?" He asked calmly.

"What gives is that Jonathan is gone and I can't find him anywhere!" Evan screamed practically trying hard not to start hyperventilate.

"How the he'll did he disappear without me noticing? I was supposed to be protecting these guys but i failed them...i failed them" Evan thought
frantically looking around for any sign of Jonathan but found nothing.

Evan was in the brink of tears when he heard Nogla's voice.
"Evan!you have to see this now!"
Evan ran behind Nogla when they stopped in a clearing and what Evan saw only brought shock to him.
The scene before him was unbelievable but not impossible.
It was...Jonathan holding a machete his gray wings were spread out as if he was showing anger. He was surrounded by what looked like crooked human forms. They we're grim dark with teeth as sharp as a knife,eyes red as blood and shreiks that was painful to hear.

Jonathan,was fighting them..alone.
Before any of them could make a comment Lui ran for Jon, and as he did so, gray wings emerged from his back and he held a sword, attacking the crooked human forms.
It all happened to fast for Evan, Craig,Nogla and Tyler but truth be told that all of this is reality.

The said fight was becoming intense, they couldn't tell which team was winning or loosing none of them dared to move,scared out of there minds.
But Evan was far from scared,he was amazed at Jonathan, his concentrated face was something he didn't see everyday and his fighting skills only brought a blush on Evans cheeks.

As the battle ended, Jonathan ran to  Lui,looking pissed as ever.

"Lui,what the bloody hell are they doing here?!" Jonathan asked,wiping the blood that had splattered on his blue hoodie, Lui pulled his sword out of the mangled body and turned to Jon.

"How the hell should I know Jon?"

"They weren't supposed too attack till next month!"Jon argued.
Evan swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke up.

"Uh..guys?" He called out to the both of them but they only ignored him as they fought.

"Guys?" Evan raised his voice but the two won't stop bickering, Jon's wing twitched a couple of times before they fully spread showing his anger.

"GUYS!!" Now that made Lui and Jon turn their heads towards Evan as he spoke.

Lui sighed and spoke up.
"Evan,Jonathan and I are not the normal kind of people everybody looks at-" he paused four a while looking at Jon for his permission to explain. He nodded and said.

"We're angels,Evan...dark angels to be exact" Evan gasped..remembering a character from a story his grandfather used to tell him.


"Yes,Evan..I am THE Delirious"

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