Hidden Companion sneak peak

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For all of the readers who aren't aware or have not been informed, my new story entitled "Hidden Companion" is up and running, and to reward you my dear readers for supporting this one shot book after all these months, i present to you a sneak peak of the said story.

The sun was warm on Evan's face as he sat on the bench on the front porch, it was quiet and peaceful..until "EVAN!!!!!!"
Evan sighed and tried to ignore the voice from inside, it'd make him look like he was insane, after all only Evan could hear Jona-

He groaned and stomped inside to meet a pouty faced Jonathan on the couch, half of his torso buried beneath the couch his head protruding from the couch.
"What is it this time?" Asked Evan, already knowing the ghost will probably only tell him he wants to see Evan play with his friends again.
"I'm…." Jonathan hesitated, worry and uneasiness filled his face.
"You what?" This time Evan asked slower, his voice now more gentle, as if prodding a child to tell him what was wrong, Jonathan's electric blue eyes had darkened and his gaze fell he really didn't mean to call Evan like that, he was just feeling a little bit lonely ever since Evan had been caught up with playing with the others, the first week was fine but it came to the point where he could barely talk to him anymore. Jonathan wanted to open up to the man, but it's kinda hard to open up to someone you like.
At this point Jonathan had taken a turn when his friendship turned into something more romantic.
the guy is buff and a gentleman for pete's sake! Not to mention, Hella attractive, and since then Jonathan developed a certain shyness towards Evan, the jokes are fine but when it comes down to the little things he do such as buying him pop tarts, cleaning under the bed for him and even as far as helping him arrange and clean up his teddy bears in the storage room, those things would always always always get to him.
But the sad thing was…Jonathan was a ghost, he knew he'd disappear soon and he'll be forgotten, hell he didn't even know where his grave is at, and even if it would somehow work out between them he knew it wasn't meant to be.

"I'm….just..lonely" His head was hung low and he felt…colder then he usually is.
Evan's eyes widened, he felt guilty having to neglect Jonathan the past few days, but what was he supposed to do? the new feelings he had experienced was starting to scare him to death. First he couldn't take his eyes off of Jonathan, wether it be when he was taking a nap or just sitting on the front porch with Teddy, the German sheperd had taken a liking to Jonathan day by day and Evan thought that it wouldn't be long until he'd confuse his feelings.
What's worse was that he couldn't talk to anyone about it. Well…anyone except Luke, he knew that the man was an expert when it comes to those types of things but what was he supposed to say? Like "hey Luke i'm having confused feelings for this guy amd not just any guy, he's a ghost and he's your best pal" now that would be a sight to see, Luke would run away the second he'd spill a single bean.

Jonathan shook his head then sighed, the air suddenly felt hot to him but shook his head to dismiss it instead. "Sorry, that was dumb" He apologized, wanting nothing more than to run out the door. He hoped Teddy is waiting for him outside and maybe then he could talk to the dog without having to deal with his feelings.
He stood up and went for the door, and to his surprise, Teddy was right out the door sitting, patiently waiting for him to come out.
Jonathan smiled in delight and sat on the front porch as Teddy whimpered and laid his head on Jonathan's lap which unsurprisingly went through.
"I heared your owner shout at you again, is everything okay?" He asked, Teddy jist looked down and snorted as if saying "as if" Jonathan smiled then sighed. he really wanted to adopt Teddy, his owner was too arrogant and self centered to take care of him properly and that was why Jonathan and Evan gave him food and water to drink, and play with him every other day. Teddy had become a part of the family, and somewhere inside Jonathan's mind he wanted it to stay that way.

"Jon?" Evan said, sitting beside the ghost and patting Teddy's head, he was about to ask Jonathan a question he had been thinking about, the reason why he couldn't sleep at night and why he would zone out in the day, even when playing with the guys, Evan always seemed distracted in a way and he knew he had to stop it before his videos would be all about snapping Vanossgaming out of his trance.

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