Trials and Troubles

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~Delirious' P.O.V~
Watching Evan pace back and forth in his room is beginning to annoy me as hell! I mean, i know he's nervous right now but with me having no clue on what he was nervous about made my stomache turn and my face scrunch up…i took off my mask by the way, since Vanoss already knows how i look like..little devil took two weeks to confess he already saw my face when my mask slipped off while i…we were sleeping.
Honestly,i didn't expect my face reveal would go that way with him, i always thought that it would be like a convincing speech from him or something. But eh…
I leaned on the door frame, arms crossed against my chest and an expressionless face.

“dude, if you're gonna keep pacing there and totally forget that i'm even here, then at least tell me what the hell is bothering you”
Now that made Evan snap his head towards my direction, giving me a sheepish smile before running a hand through his hair.

“Sorry” he apologized, i rolled my eyes before asking "what the hell is wrong anyway?" Well, he looked hesitant to tell me, maybe this was a little confidential?

“it's nothing to worry about, Del-” 

“nothing to worry about? You're pacing back and forth with a look of worry on your face then you say “nothing to worry about”?”. I raised my eyebrow, jerking my head a bit 
“c-can i tell you when i'm ready?”

I shrugged, this issue is a little confidential, i can tell…so i'm not gonna pester him to tell me, he might get mad at me.
I nodded my head before walking downstairs, i was mad and curious at the same time..mad because he doesn't even trust me enough to tell me what the hell is with him..curious because i didn't even have a single clue as to what his problem really was…Vanoss can be very mysterious at times and those are the times that i hate.

Just then, a knock came on the door. I was already at the kitchen so i decided to answer the door “Coming!” i quickly opened the door, revealing a girl about my age, she has jet black hair, brown eyes and a perky smile plastered on her face. She looked like a female version of Vanoss. 

“uh..yes, may i help you m'lady?”i asked raising an eybrow at her.

“actually, yes, does Evan Fong still live here?” hmm…strange, Vanoss didn't mention any girl that matched her to me…
Just as i was about to ask what she wanted with Vanoss, the motherfucker screamed from upstairs running to me

“Delirious!! Can you please get my- oh” he was cut off by his sentence the time he saw the girl
I turned to him and said "I think you might have a guest" I smiled and started walking into the kitchen to get fooooddd!..and of course, giving them a little privacy.
She must have been an old friend or something 

I got a piece of left over pizza and went into my room, I can't really listen to them since, it would be considered as eavesdropping so yeah 
I decided to just record some shit and call Cartoonz.
I dialed his number. It rang for about 5 times before a voice rang from the other line "sup?" Came a very familiar voice. My stomachs began to do flips and I knew exactly why because I have never forgotten his confession days ago. It still shocked me and I can only hope that his crush on me will vanish as soon as it appeared, " up for some WWE?" 
Cartoonz' lips formed a smirk. "Oh you are so going down!"

~third person P.O.V~
Evan smiled to the girl in front of him, she was Vanessa, his sister. It has been a few months since they have had a normal conversation and Evan couldn't thank the heavens above enough for his sister to finally talk to him.
"Evan, I just dropped by to give you this" she stated and handed Evan a blue envelop. 
"Its an invitation to my wedding" Evan was then wide-eyed to what his sister said, while she was there, blushing like a freshly picked ripe tomato.
"Holy shit are you serious?!" Evan asked cheerfully and gave Vanessa a big hug "congratulations sis!! I'm so fucking proud of you!" Evan cheered, spinning her sister around.after he set her back to the ground Evan was overflowed with joy when he heard Jonathan's adorable laugh from upstairs
he smiled to himself as her sister smirked at him. Evan had a confused look on his face "what?" 
"Evaan~" his sister teased in a singsong wayy Evan blushed from the realization at what his sister was getting at. "No, he's not my boyfriend"

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