i will not be overshadowed by you

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It was nightime, the time where Jonathan often took walks around his kingdom to check on his subjects, he felt the cold breeze against his skin, the warm candles being blown out inside houses as the citizens settled down to sleep the night away.
This saddened him, why? Because the night was his life, it was his world yet he always questioned himself why they love the day more than the quiet and peaceful night, why they loved the sunny day that Evan brings forth to the world while Jonathan brings the night.

Evan had always been a favorite of the people, he was always the one who they look up to while Jonathan stayed in the shadows, confined in his own room until it's time to fly around the city again.

He wore his usual blueshirt with a purple vest, his black jeans and his insignia, a crown that has a moon engraved and adorned with diamonds, his hair was unusual, it flowed atop his head even though there was no wind it swayed back and forth. It was black with a hint of purple and blue that makes him look like he had the nightsky on his head.

Evans appearance was far different than his, he wears a white shirt with a red vest, white jeans and his crown that was adorned with rubies sit perfectly atop his head, his hair flowed like Jonathans except it was red, making it look like his hair was on fire.

Jon hated the fact how he felt so distant from everyone, even his bestfriend. Evan had started loving the praises and forgetting his feelings, it wasn't long until Jonathan have had enough and finally snapped at Evan, reasoning out that his ego was getting in the way
But Evan only laughed and told him that he was being over reacting, it hurt Jonathan more than anything to see his lover neglect him just like that, his could be be so casual?
Jonathan sighed and began to sing

Ask not the sun,
Why he sets,
Why he shrouds his light away,
Or why he hides his glowing gaze,
when night turns crimson gold to gray

He spread out his puffy white wings, took off into the night, and continued

For silent falls the guilty sun,
As day to dark does turn.
One simple truth, he dare not speak,
His light can only blind and burn.

Jonathan quietly stepped into his and Evan's castle, the new urge to bring justice to himself and to everyone began to rise in him.
The castle helps were quiet as usual as he made his way to the throne room.

No mercy for the guilty,
Bring down their lying sun.
Blood so silver black my night,
Upon their faces pale light.

His purple vest began to glow slightly, his hair as dark as the midnight sky littered with stars, and his eyes glowed a bright blue as he placed a violet iron helmet on his head.

Cruel moon bring the end
The dawn will never rise again.

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