Chapter 15

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A/N: The idea from this chapter was requested by: @ale0404. Back to the fiction!

You walked into biology, and its took a seat in the back and so did Natalie. You didn't really talk to anyone in biology besides Naruto and Natalie but he wasn't here so yep. You watched as everyone poured into the class room. Mr. Hatake being late as always. Five minutes later: "Hello class, I'm afraid I just got lost on the path of life." Everyone shock there heads, you and Natalie giggled. You fell asleep about halfway through the class so you didn't really pay attention. You pretty much zoned out for most of your classes. That day was very uneventful so let me just skip to the part where some drama happens!

You grabbed your food and sat with Natalie, Lee, Neji, Tenten and Tamari. "Hey guys." You said in a drowsy voice. "Are you okay (name) you look like you could have more youth!" Lee joked. "Yeah, yeah." You heard the sound of high heels taping on the floor, you already knew who it was and you wished that you didn't. You felt someone grip your hair and pull down on it, making you look up at the bubblegum princess Sakura. "Sasuke-kun, isn't here to defend you, this time (name)." Sakura grabbed your shirt and pulled you up. You stared at her dead in the eye.

She was about to smack you but Lee stopped her by grabbing her arm. "Don't do anything Sakura, you don't want to get suspended, or worse. Expelled, so I think it would be better if you stopped." Lee said. Natalie nodded and got up and pulled Sakura away from you. After all of that you sat back at your table. "Hey (name)?" Lee looked at you. "Yeah, what's up Lee?" You looked back him, while raising an eyebrow. "I can teach you and Natalie how to fight. So you can protect yourself against Sakura." You got happy at this statement. "Okay! When do we start?" "Come over to my house after school." You nodded and looked over to Natalie, who had a big grin on her face. 'Guess he already told her.' You thought to yourself.

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