Chapter 31

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After your training your legs were very sore. But you had to deal with it and you didn't like it. So, when you were walking home you bumped into someone. You looked at them and grinned. "Jade!!!" She smiled, "Hey (name)!" "What are you doing out here so late?" You asked tilting your head slightly, "I just like coming out at night. And why are YOU out here?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "I was training with Lee." "Who's Lee?" Jade asked, "A friend, anyway, how come you don't come to my school?" Jade shrugged, "My mom is thinking about enrolling me."

"Awesome!!" You said, "Well, I should get going, my mom is going to get worried." Jade nodded, "Kay, see ya later (name)." You started to walk home again. Once you got there your mom was pretty mad. "And where were you?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. "I was hanging out with Lee." you gulped, "Are you sure it wasn't that boyfriend of yours? What was his name... Sasuke?" You shook your head. "I'm sure it was Lee." Your mom shook her head in disapproval.

"So, if I ask Sasukes mother, she would say the he was there the whole day correct?" You nodded. "I swear." Your mom sighed and pointed to the restroom. "Go take a shower your sweating." You nodded and went upstairs. You grabbed your pajamas and went to take shower. Thank god you didn't get grounded.  

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