Chapter 21

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After you all had a good a day of gaming, you decided to go home. "Your leaving already?" Natalie asked turn around, "Yeah I'm tired." You smiled awkwardly. "Okay!" Naruto said, "See ya!" You said going outside, you walked home which was only about two blocks away, "Oi! (name) wait up!" You turned around and looked at Kiba who was... Apparently following you. "You stalker!!" You said pointing at him. "Okay! I'll admit I was following you! But only because I needed to ask you a question!" He grinned. "What is it?" You asked raising an eyebrow, "Are you still my friend?" You blinked at his question, of course you were!! You've known him for the same amount of time as Natalie. "Yeah why?" You saw Kiba go a deep shade of red, "Well um..." He looked down. "I need to get home just make it quick!!!" You said staring at him, "Uh.." You sighed, "Just tell me later." "I-I'll tell you right now! Just wait okay!!"

You sighed at waited for what felt like hours... It probably was until he finally opened his mouth to speak. "Do you... W-want to be my... G-girlfriend?" You looked at the floor, you had to admit, Kiba is attractive, but you were dating Sasuke. "Well um..." You looked at him and he was staring at the floor, "Well?" He asked, you could tell he was blushing very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, hard. "Well, I'm dating Sasuke... Sorry..." You said looking down, "Oh t-that's fine!" He said looking up, you could tell he was sad. "See ya later!" You said walking away. Looking down as well sense that was a very awkward encounter with one of your best friends.

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