Chapter 35

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A/N: I'm sorry reader-chan..

A few weeks have passed and you have gotten many visitors. But your condition kept getting worse and worse. You could barely sleep, and couldn't breathe well. It has gotten to the point where your mother had to take you to the emergency room because you had completely lost your breath. At the moment, Jade was sitting next to you, keeping you company. She threw her head back and stared at the ceiling. Your mom walked in, running to your side. "Oh my.. Is she getting any better..?" The doctor which was standing right next to her, shook his head. "I'm sorry.. But.." Jade looked at both of them. "But what?! Is she going to be okay or not?!" The doctor sighed. "(name) has a rare condition and... There's nothing we can do.." You mom dropped to her knees and Jade's eyes widened.

"How much time..?" The doctor tapped his pen on the clipboard. "About.. Two more months.." Your mother covered her face with her hands. Jade felt tears spill out of her eyes. "I'm sorry.." The doctor left the room. Your mother and Jade were left alone to cry their eyes out.

The next day Sasuke was sitting in the corner of the room watching you sleep. He has heard the news and he knows that you only have two months left. He has already cried but not in front of anyone. You shifted and opened your eyes slowly. He looked at you and smiled slightly. You looked at him, "Sasuke-kun!" He came over to your bed and rubbed your cheek softly, tears threatening to fall out. "(name)-chan, I love you.." You blushed and smiled. "I love you too Sasuke.." 

Grumpy Cat! Sasuke X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant