Chapter 36 (final)

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You and Sasuke talked all day, he didn't leave your side. But he had to when visiting hours were over, and that was now. Sadly, he stood up, "Sorry (name) visiting hours are over." You nodded. "Alright.. Bye Sasuke-kun." He left the room and you looked out the window. Considering you couldn't stand up, you could only look from your bed. You watched as some doves flew by, flying together and landing on a tree branch. They nudged each other goodbye and one of them flew away. You sighed thinking that was going to happen to you and Sasuke. You got the urge to go and look at your files. No one was working at this hour so you could go and check easily. You moved yourself to the edge of the bed and put your feet on the ground, slowly you stood up. You grabbed onto things close to you and walked over to your flies and grabbed them. You looked at your results, shocked you dropped the papers. It couldn't be true. It just couldn't. You didn't want to leave Sasuke.

Or Naruto, or Jade, or your family. You didn't want to leave any of the people that you cared about. Tears spilled out of your eyes as you dropped onto your knees. You cried and cried, you didn't to leave any of them. And the worst part was, your last two months would be spent in the hospital. The next day, was your last day that you had to live. Your death was coming earlier than expected. No one knew about this until one of the doctors checked on you. Your heart monitor had stopped and it was just a straight line. The doctors tried to get your heart beating again, but it was useless.Your mom's eyes filled with tears, and Sasuke's eyes had widened. Naruto had the worst reaction. He bursted into tears and hugged Sasuke's leg. "WHY NOW!? WHY???" He cried. Your funeral would be scheduled right when your mom got home.

Your closest friends and of course Sasuke would come to your funeral.

Then the day had finally come. Everyone was wearing black, no bright colors or smiles on their faces. Sasuke and Naruto's eyes were completely dull. Everyone was looking down holding back tears that were threatening to spill out. Everyone took turns walking up to your coffin and putting down flowers. In Naruto's turn he put down black roses which were extremely rare. For Sasuke's turn he put down (your favorite flowers). For Jade's turn she put down red roses. Your mother put down orchids. Pure white doves came down and flew around everyone and hovered above your coffin before flying off, everyone watched them. When the funeral was over no one talked about you, but of course they were always thinking about you. Especially Sasuke.

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