Chapter 17

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You and Natalie both entered the school. "So (name) I guess we have to deal with Lee again today huh?" She yawned. "Yeah I guess so... But its better the having to deal with Sakura all the time." You rubbed your bloodshot eyes. "Agreed." The both of you went to go put your stuff away, you where going to be early to class so... Sakura decided to come by and give the both of you a little visit. "Well well, how come you two aren't in class yet?" Ino, one of the girls in Sakura's group said. "You should be in class... The both of you would be safer there.." Karin, the second to last girl in Sakura's group commented."Can we please just do this later?" Natalie said poker facing everyone. "Yeah... Beat us up later... We're just sore as ever right now..." You said yawning.

"Tch... Yeah right like that will ever happen!" Hinata the last girl in Sakura's group said." You sighed "Its now or never." You said walking over to Sakura. "What (name)?" Sakura spit your name out like it was venom. You raised your hand and smacked her. A loud smacking sound echoed through the hallways. Every one in her group glared at you, well except for Ino. Ino bullied Natalie more than Sakura, so Natalie was taking out her anger by yelling at Ino and or smacking her as well.

Karin was about to pull your hair, but she looked over at Natalie and Natalie stopped smacking and yelling at Ino. Karin didn't care and was about to grab your hair when... "Young Lady!" Karin turned around and saw the principle Tsunade standing there with her hands on her hips. "Come with me to the office Right Now!" Tsunade said as she grabbed Karins ear and pulled her to her office. The vice principle Shizune looked at you Natalie and the other girls, "Sakura, Ino, Hinata, follow me." They all did as told, the only reason you and Natalie got off scott free was because Natalie was fake crying.

That little trick always got you and her candy when her parents said no. You checked you phone. "Wow." You said smiling. "What?" Natalie asked. "That all happened and yet, we're still on time to class!" You said running to class. 

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