father daughter

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A/N OK guys so these next couple if chapters are gonna basically be about Isabella and Hotch, or Isabella and cute moments with family members at her birthday party, I just want to get some cute chapters in before what's coming.

*JJ's POV*

Isabella has been doing ballet and shes pretty good at it. We were listening to music and her favorite song 'Cinderella' by Steven Curtis Chapman came on "ooohhhh mommy pause the radio! I'll be right back" Isabella said slipping out of her chair and running upstairs. She came back down in a dress made to dance in, the skirt if it flowed lightly and the top had straps, it was a adorable white ballet dress her aunt Penelope got her when she started ballet "come on daddy! Mommy and uncle Rossi you too! Mommy I know you did ballet as a kid!" She said "hey! I told you that as a secret you little fart" I said as she giggled "I brought down your dancing gown like mine! Come on pppllleeeaasssee mommy!" She begged giving me a cheesy little grin "alright but only if daddy and uncle Rossi do too" I said "fine" they said making us laugh.

Hey guys so I have poor internet connection so these next few chapters are gonna be short I'll do the dance scene in the next chapter if you guys want me too.

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