Chapter XIII

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-Jeramiah Bate's P.O.V-

What can I say? I have to agree, Devan had a great taste. I couldn't help, but notice that Avery was a really sweet girl, she looked nice from the outside, but way more importantly, from the inside. She was just a nice person, at least I could thank Devan for choosing a girl, who was my type.

It was way easier to charm the person that I'm attracted to.

"Rain is the form of pain that has been finally relieved."

She was going deeply in to her thoughts. I understood most of the philosophic thoughts she threw at me, and if I didn't, I just silently would nod agreeing. I can't say that I didn't like her enthusiasm about books and philosophy, but I just wasn't a guy, who could have understood that.

"You know want else should be relieved?"

I changed the subject dragging her away from sad thoughts.

"No, what?"

Avery asked me with a grin, and I smiled at her too. I was probably staring for one too many seconds, because she looked away after the moment of silence and broke the eye contact. But I didn't want to look away. Something about her caught my eye.


I stated and her stomach growled agreeing. I laughed as she hid her face, which turned all red, embarrassed.

"Sorry, I guess I am a bit hungry."

She had to admit, after her own body shamefully ambushed her.

"Where do you want to go?"

She looked around and blinked.

"Actually, I should probably be heading back to the library."

I grabbed her wrist and dragged her in to some restaurant. At first I didn't recognize the place, but when the realization stroke as familiar façade of Bullet bar appeared. I cursed myself for taking her here, but walking out right after we walked in, would have been just really strange.

"Less talking, more eating."

I told her with a smile and let her sat down near the window. I went to the bar to order anything that would beat least possible to eat. As the waiter was taking my order I looked back at Avery and was surprised that she suddenly lied down on the couch that I left her sitting on.

I ran to her and shook her by the shoulder. Her eyes opened and the eyelid seemed like they were weighting a ton. She looked around and her eyes stopped at me.

"Are you okay?"

She shook her head. My heart was racing. She was just a part of the game, a detail completing a puzzle, but I was still a human, I cared about her, and this sudden change of her state was shocking.

"I'm getting dizzy."

Avery said and closed her eyes again. No one seemed to notice the girl having some problems over there. I got angry out of nowhere, why didn't anyone came to help her?

"Should I take you to the hospital?"

Somehow it seemed desperate. Like from some movie, where I will get her to the hospital and she will wake up many hours later with no clue, who am I and I will be claiming I am her boyfriend, who can't believe that she could gave forgotten that. Ewww, how cheesy.

On the other hand that would probably be the easiest way to win the bet, you know, if I would only manage to trick her into thinking that I am the guy she's in love with... But there was my head now? Avery truly needed help.

"I need to go to work."

She was having hallucinations. I couldn't explain it any how differently. It was just a college library, they will survive without her, no doubt, But Avery instead of listening to cold mind, which would have definitely told her to listen to me and take care of herself, she tried to get up and had to hold on to her head because of the pain.

I carefully put my palm over her forehead and gasped. She was burning up. Could it be that this not a very long time she spent under the rain caused this?

"At least check with college's nurse!"

Her eyes poped out of her skull as she heard my words.

"College has a nurse?"

I stared at her for a couple second like a total idiot. When I thought that maybe she was just having pro-post fever mind tricks. But it didn't seem like she would be joking, especially then she was still waiting for me to answer with her deep dark eyes piercing me.

Gosh, what got in to me, since when did I start to notice girls' eyes and their beauty? Get yourself together Jeramiah.

"Silly, of course it does."

I made her stand up from the couch, but as soon as she stepped on the ground her whole body started swinging all different directions and just by luck I caught her before falling down. The waiter showed up with our food and suspiciously glanced at us two. He probably thought she was drunk.

"What are you looking at?"

I hissed and unintentionally showed my teeth like some dog. The guy quickly disappeared out of my sight after that. Ha-ha, good.

"Mmmm... food."

Avery smelled the ear and swallowed the hunger with her saliva. She was in pain, but couldn't stop thinking about food. She either was really hungry, or addicted to it. I almost laughed out loud. I mean, I was most obviously a food addict myself, and I just found something in common with Avery.

"Food can wait, but you need help."

I stated dragging her away from the table. I was about to pay even if we didn't take a single bite of the food that waiter dude brought us, when Avery suddenly slipped into the ground and stopped us.

"If you're going to pay can we at least eat?"


I tried to warn her, but she put her finger over my lips and shut me up.

"Let's eat."

I didn't argue anymore and just sat down.

"I see, food makes you feel better, doesn't it?"

I played along with a nice guy role I prescribed to myself. It wasn't an accident I was carefully choosing between many faces I could have put on and as I guessed this was one was working out just fine so far.

"Well, the headache is still there." She nodded and sighted out of pain. "But I feel happy by just looking at this delicious treatment. I owe you."

I shook my head declining her suggestion. I wanted her to feel attached, but she had to think that I'm not forcing her in to it.

"I'm glad to see you happy."

I said. I'm glad to see my plan working out. I thought.

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