Chapter XVIII

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-Storyteller's P.O.V-

"Do you think he's her boyfriend? "

Tyrell worriedly asked Alec sitting next to him. He looked up quickly with no interest and shook his head.

"Who? " Tyrell pressed the can of soda between his fingers and almost crushed it, Alec wasn't paying any attention and that bothered him. He pointed at the guy standing next to Sherry. "That nerd? "

Alec commented in disbelief that his friend could be stupid enough to come up with such a foolish thought. The girl they were talking about looked like a doll for him. Bright red hair, cute, but standing out face, eye catching close, she belonged in the theater stage. Bu the guy? Tall, blond, with glasses. He looked like a puppy begging for a treat as he talked with her.

"He looks like a nerd to you?"

Tyrell questioned Alec's intentions. For him that guy seemed to be really intimidating, even tough. Alec got back to texting, he was hitting his phone's screen do hard and fast, Tyrell started wondering how it is still not broken.

"Why do you even care?"

Alec sighted finally putting his phone away. He had to admit that the guy and a girl looked pretty close. But he was experienced enough to see, how she keeps a distance between them. No chemistry there for sure.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Tyrell answered a question with a question. He had this slight duh tone in his voice and that annoyed Alec. Tyrell always acted like he knew more, like he was better. I they weren't friends they would probably be beating each other by now.

"She isn't Avery, is she?"

Alec pretended to look again, he even put his palm above his eyes to cover the sun, which wasn't even visible, since the rain clouds covered the sky and now rain drops there falling from the sky, the storm was getting stronger and stronger every second.

"Why does everything has to be about Avery?"

Tyrell rolled his eyes at Alec.

"A bet, hello!"

Alec lightly punched Tyrell on the head and laughed at his reaction.

"A bet or no bet, who cares."

Alec's expression changed. He set up straight instead of just lying in his seat as he did before and scanned Tyrell with his eyes.

"Are you dropping out?" Tyrell's eyes widened. He didn't think about it as an option. Even now, when he realized there was a way out, he still didn't consider it. He shook his head. No, he's in for good. "Too bad, there would have been more for me... not like I'm not going to win or anything."

Alec was back in his relaxed position. He was one and only guy from GOT7 who still hadn't approached Avery. He didn't talk to her, never looked her in the eyes, accidentally bumped in to her when walking through the hallway. Nothing. He was too confident with himself, to think that there's a chance that he might not win.

Losing wasn't an option, but he believed he will win anyways, so he didn't even tried. As some bad student he put all of his work to the last night before exam.

Suddenly a blonde guy pulled Sherry in the hug and Tyrell unintentionally crushed the can of soda in his hand. The drink opened and the sparkly water spilled all over the floor. He didn't even care.


He rhetorically said realizing something.

"What's now?"

It wasn't really interesting for Alec, he didn't seem to be intrigued.

"Isn't that the library guy?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

Alec was right. Neither one of the guys in GOT7 were really interested in books. Of course Ross had the most experience since his mother was a librarian, sometimes he would even start talking something about a book guys never heard until realizing that he's just making a fool out of himself. Different from all the other guys, Alec never pretended to be in to reading, he just wasn't.

"Where is the other guys anyways?"

Tyrell questioned and his friend looked around like just now noticing that it was two of them here.

"Well, Devan is working in the library. Ross is probably spying on him, Dorian went to Joy-Joy, he had to replace some sick coworker. Jeremiah told me he was going to take walk in the park, I bet he's meeting someone there and Caiden... where is Caiden?"

Tyrell shrugged his shoulders. With the corner of his eye, he noticed how Sherry escaped the guys embrace and waved at him saying he goodbye.

"I'll be right back."

He said to Alec, who wasn't even paying attention to what he said, since he was on his phone again. The chat he was having was probably really intense he didn't even lifted his head to see which direction his friend went.

"Yeah, me too."

He answered before understanding what Tyrell's words meant. But there was already no one to hear what he said, Tyrell left. Alec looked around. He soon noticed his friend in the end of the hallway. He was dragging a girl with him.

She looked around and tried to stop him before he pulled her behind the corner of the hallway. Alec quickly got up. He recognized the red headed theater chick they were talking about earlier. What the hell was Tyrell doing with her so secretly?

Alec got up and walked, ran, to the place there just moments ago two of them disappeared. He peeked from the other side of the corner and just pressed himself against the wall.

There was the girl and Tyrell standing. He had his hand on her cheeks and she was staring at him with her eyes so huge like they never were before. Suddenly Alec heard steps coming right his way, without hesitation he grabbed the person walking in to his embrace, before she walked out for them to be seen.

"What are you doing, let go of me!"

The girl commanded, but Alec put a finger over his lips and shushed. When a girl tried to kick him and set free he quickly cover her mouth with his palm. He could hear her mumble, but he did nothing about it, his stare was too focused on to figures in the other branch of the hallway.

When mumbled stopped he looked down and saw that the girl he grabbed was sitting there completely calm, but throwing fire balls at him with her eyes. He grinned at her like some lady man and winked. Alec was about to look away again, but something caught his attention.

His and the girl's, who's mouth he was covering up, eyes met. The realization stroke. He was holding Avery McCoy in his hands. He just caught his fate.


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