Chapter XXII

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-Avery McCoy's P.O.V-

"At least he wasn't your first kiss."

Really was he going to pull that card on me now? Was he really going to bring back those memories? Was I ready? Was he ready?

"Do you trust me?"

That question wasn't just right. I didn't trust him, at all. He was climbing up those roofs all his life just like me, three of us, Colby, Devan and I, we were "roof's kids" always up there, where most people never come up to.

Higher than everyone, closer to the stars.


I lied. And I had no idea why did I lie. I shouldn't have. He was the one to always tell me only say the things that are truth. But did I listen? I did not.

We climbed up that roof. Colby was in his room right under him, I bet if we were any louder he could have heard us walking above his head. But I bet he had his earphones blasting his eardrums off.

"Look, isn't it beautiful?"

Devan pointed at the sky and I looked up. At first I couldn't see at thing through the dark, but my eyes quickly adjusted and millions of sparkly stars appeared. However the moon was hiding behind close. He shamefully hid its round face from us.

"It is."

I nodded agreeing. I looked back from the sky at Deva, but he wasn't glancing at the stars or the moon. His eyes were set on me. My body shook, I felt some kind of intensity building up.

"But there is something, someone more beautiful than the sky tonight."

I wrapped my arms around myself and looked away, however I still peeked at Devan and right at that moment he reached his hand forward, carefully grabbed my chin and made an eye contact with me.

His eyes were sparkling like stars. The smile spread across his face as a moon came from under the clouds.

"Why are you smiling?"

I asked whispering. Somehow I couldn't control my body nor my voice.

"Because of you."

And at that moment our lips merged. I couldn't remember what happened next, all there was left from that time was the feeling of total security. I felt so safe like never before, we were on top of my house and I probably should have been scared, since I could have fell. But there was no such thing as fear.

Our lips brushed against one another and if I had to describe it, I couldn't.

I have no idea whether I fell for him before or after. But there was a point when I did. I was happy, for one second, because the other Devan was already making his way down the ground. I followed with my eyes all wide and surprise reflecting in them.

He didn't even looked back. Didn't lift his head. Suddenly a hole of millions and millions meters appeared in between us. Out pf nowhere. People say that if you veer feel alone just look up at the sky, there is so many people looking at the same sky it's impossible to feel alone.

And even known Devan was right here, I felt like we were divided. Separated with no going back. So I just looked up at the sky, hoping that he maybe, just maybe will lift his head and his eyes will see the same thing my eyes saw. But he didn't glance or peek. He just walked away.

One minute we were closer than I could have ever imagined and other we were drifted apart. Like two ships, which accidentally met in the ocean during storm. We slightly greeted each other, but was taken away by the wind and water.

We never really spoke after that. Until the day Devan suddenly stepped in to the library and rotated my life three hundred sixty degrees.

"No, you were."

I answered as coldly as we used to speak with one another all those years after that night. Devan nodded not even arguing. I thought he wanted to erase that memory from his head, because he seemed to ignore me ever since, but he just admitted it like the fact.

That was an answer to my question. He just accepted it like a fact, it wasn't taken as a feeling by him, and it was just a detail in his past life. Just like me.

"Do you ever look back and think we shouldn't have climbed up that roof?"

No, I didn't think so. I thought it was something I would cherish forever. Even if that lasted for a second or so, it was too precious to regret. But did that mean that he's regretting it?

"No, I never look back."

I said instead shocking even myself. But I couldn't see his reaction, because I turned around. Knowing my luck, especially today, I should have bumped in to someone, particularly, and preferably a guy. And guess what, that's exactly what happened.

Standing there, I believe definitely not minding his own business, was Caiden. His chest bouncing up and down, and his cheeks were light pink, he was probably running. Just not sure why.

"Interesting. Very interesting."

He threw some sort of look towards Devan, but he didn't even look the direction Caiden was standing, his eyes were set on me, and to be honest it wasn't the best feeling to be caught in the middle of cross fire.

"Don't you have some girl to fool around with?"

Surprisingly it came out of my mouth. I sighted. I realized. I gasped. Devan's mouth was wide open. Caiden's mouth was wide open.

"Avery, what do you mean?"

Caiden came in closer and I just stepped back, unfortunately but it was Devan standing behind me and just by some lucky accident I didn't bump in to him.

"Caiden, what game are you playing?"

Something, a flame, of fear, of curiosity, of surprise, lighted up in both of guys' eyes as I said that.

"Avery, there is no other girls."

"Caiden, I saw you with them, twice, in one day." I sighted and dodged his hand, he was reaching for my palm, but I didn't let him take it. "Besides, it's not like we're going out, you can do as you please."

Is it me or Devan looked like he just won some prize. I had to calm him down, it's not like he's better than Caiden.

"Can you at least let me explain?"

Caiden said before I was able to start scolding Devan for his impoliteness.

"Not today."

Not ever, I thought to myself, as I felt headache coming back. I will sure need coffee tomorrow.

Hey!!! It's me again and I want you to tell me what you think about the story (as always :D) comments make my day, thanks for reading!!!! Love ya ♥♥♥


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