Chapter XXXI

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-Avery McCoy's P.O.V-


I yelled running upstairs. Colby was right behind me. The light was coming from my room so we both burst in the chamber and found Sherry standing near the window with her mouth wide open.

She had opened the curtain's I left closed, so Devan's staring couldn't terrify me anymore, but I didn't close the window itself, so now, it was not less than freezing inside. Colby shook because of the sudden temperature drop, but I couldn't feel the cold, my blood was boiling.

My eyes went all directions looking for a serial killer, murdered, maybe a huge spider, even Dorian, anything that Sherry could have screamed after seeing. But there was no dude dressed as a clown in the corner as from horror movie, and no one was trying to break in. However Sherry was covering the windowsill with her body, so it could have been something there that we couldn't see from our point of view.

"Sherry, what happened?"

Colby finally questioned as I didn't ask anything. Sherry slowly turned around and took the few steps back that we could see what she saw.

On the windowsill there was a single rose lying, not a red rose, not a white rose, not even an yellow rose, it was completely black rose with a touch of purple, maybe violet. I gasped as I saw that, I thought I was going to faint, but Colby caught me and it right back on my feet.

I slowly walked closer the scary rose on the sill and looked more careful at it. Under the rose there was note. I picked up the paper piece on which few words were written. "Having guests over". I knew it wasn't just my imagination.

I put down the note and leaned over the window. The light in Devan's room was already turned off, but his window was open a bit and the curtains weren't closed. I could see the same corner of his bed and table from there even if not as good as with lights on.

"I knew I should have listened to you."

Sherry whispered and I looked at her. She was shaking, that rose, I admit, looked scary, but it was probably even scarier for her, she never got such prank from Devan and I have once experienced it already, still, I would have probably screamed too.

"Don't worry about it."

I said picking the rose up.

"What are you going to do with it?"

Colby asked, he was standing near the door, ready to leave at any moment if we just needed some privacy, some girl quality time. I nodded at him and he left immediately. I needed to talk with Sherry.

"I still want to know the same as Colby."

Sherry reminded me with her voice shaking like crazy. I detected the target and suddenly threw the rose out the window as Sherry gasped.

"I'll just give back what's not mine."

I said calmly. This rose thing wasn't going to fool me again, he once did it and I fell for him, if he thought the same trick could work twice he was so wrong.

"Why would you do that?"

I waved at my best friend to come over and she did it very slowly as if expecting me to throw or at least punch her out the window too. I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed her hand pulling her closer to an open glass. I pointed at something on the other side of the fence.

I was good enough at this sort of trick shot so my rose that I threw made it all the way in to Devan's yard, now it was lying near his window on the grass.

"Don't worry, it couldn't have possibly killed nobody."

Except my heart. It was shattered in to million pieces just by seeing that rose. Devan knew what to do to make me feel broken, even if his intentions were different, he made sure that now I was scared to look in to his eyes.

"It's still weird that you didn't keep the flower from the secret admirer."

She pouted and dramatically waved at the rose on the ground. I laughed at her and closed the window, if we would have kept it open any loner no one would be able to sleep in this room for another century. Where did we live, in North Pole or something?


I waved with the note in front of her eyes. She grabbed the edge of pepar piece and looked at it closer.

"So it's Devan's job?"

I nodded, no doubt it was him.

"Sherry, why did you came over?"

I changed the subject suddenly, I was curious after all.

"Oh you know... we hadn't have slumber party in ages!"

I didn't buy it. She knew it, she knew she isn't going to fool me. I tapped on the floor with my foot and raised one of my eyebrows.

"Sherry, what's the truth?"

"Do you want to hear the whole truth or just... a little bit?"

That already made me suspicious. I was bouncing and wanted to go and shook her a bit so she would tell me already.

"Of course I want to hear the whole thing, tell me everything!"

She nervously looked around, but Colby was gone and no one else were home, my parents left for three weeks cruise and they weren't coming back until like next Monday, If they won't stop to buy another exotic trip. I sighted in my mind. My parents were always crazy about traveling.

"Then, I suggest you to sit down."

I did as she told me. But I have to be honest here, it scared the crap out of me the tone she said it.

"Sherry, please tell me it's nothing you will regret in the future."

I was worried sick about her.

"Okay, so I went to Tyrell's house and we...And just, it just happened, I don't know how!"

She seemed to be frustrated with every word that came out of her mouth. She didn't tell me anything specific, but there was a bell in my head ringing like crazy alarming me about something. Sherry was stepping from one side of the room to other.

"I'm not so sure I want to hear the WHOLE thing anymore."

I nodded at her and she stopped to look at me.

"You don't have a choice. You asked for it."

And she giggled.

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