Chapter XXIX

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-Avery McCoy's P.O.V-

I couldn't believe that I actually agreed to go to that concert with Caiden. I wanted him to explain, who was the girl that claimed to be his girlfriend, and way more importantly I wanted to learn what his intentions towards me was, I mean those note sending and now concert tickets. I wanted to know what is behind this.

Now, at the evening, I was sitting in the living room in front of TV with some signing show on. Ada turned out to be quite nice, she stayed polite though the whole time while Devan checked her in, I carefully watched his moves, but he coped with the task perfectly. I almost, almost, patted him on the back for that.

Doorbell went off and I exchanged glances with Colby surprised. He went to the door to open it and I heard happy cheers coming from the hallway, I took of all the blankets that were covering me and made my way to the door. There, smiling with his whole face, was Dorian.

Colby gave him the fist-bump and let him in, he was happy to see his friend. But then, there was me, I completely, absolutely, forgot that Dorian was supposed to come over, I awkwardly grinned at him as he hugged me and glanced at Colby looking for help.

I needed back up, I wasn't prepared, I had the whole week, but not even for the tiniest second my mind managed to remember that I will have guests coming over. I hugged Dorian back and coughed to Colby. I was barely wearing anything.

"I'll be right back."

I said and ran upstairs like some serial killer was chasing me. I slammed the door behind me and leaned on to the closed door. My chest was bouncing and I heavily inhales the fresh air. My window was opened, but I clearly remembered closing it. Was I that clumsy?

I came closer to finally shut it, but the light and noises coming from the house next to us, our neighbor's house dragged my attention. I looked more carefully at the light and followed it until my eyes met someone else eyes.

In the window there was Devan standing. He was staring at me with only my light pajamas, which was like a very summer-ish dress, with no shame. He grinned as our eyes met and leaned on to windowsill. I remembered every corridor and rom of his house from then we used to play there. Or just hang out. Together.

He was standing in his own room, which was on the first floor and I was in the second floor staring at him from mine. Striped curtains on his window was wide open and I could see the glimpse of his bead and table.

Chills went down my spine, either from a very cold breeze coming from the outside or from the fact that he suddenly pulled some sort of card, like a paper piece with a huge note on it written with some black marker.

"Having guests over?"

I rubbed my eyes making sure it wasn't all just a dream, but as I opened them again, Devan was still there, the grin already went away, so did the note, but he was still there, Staring at me as before. I looked down and witnessed that my whole body was bewildered.

I quickly took the curtains from both of the sides of the window and dragged them to cover up the glass. He couldn't see through the curtains, but the light that I had turned on was definitely giving him some sort of shadow theater show.

I dialed Sherry's number on my phone and after few beeps my best friend finally picked it up. For some reason her voice was shaking and she seemed to be out of breathe, I suspiciously glanced at my phone screen like expecting it to give out what was she up to, but instead there was only the picture of Sherry's face friendly smiling at me.

"What's up?"

"Two things."

I started off carefully not sure which to mention first.

"Yeah? Okay, tell me both!"

She seemed to be interested in what was I going to say, but at the same time her voice gave out that she was busy.

"Are you sure you can talk?"

I said trusting my best friend vibe that told me I shouldn't be interrupting her.

"Of course I can! Any time for my Avery!"

I decided to trust her, no idea if that's a smart choice.

"So first of all, Devan is in his room, but he is staring in to my window, and I'm pretty sure he just pulled a card with a note on it to show to me."

That didn't concern Sherry, at all.

"And the second thing is?"

I sighted at my phone. Sherry just couldn't understand what the big deal with me and Devan was, but I couldn't blame her, she knew about him, but I never really wanted to talk to anyone about it, even with her.

"Dorian came over and I completely forgot that he will come. What do I do?"


I rolled my eyes at the phone and I knew that she felt it again. The suspicious noise went off in the background on other end of the call. I raised my eyebrows and frowned after, that didn't sound too good.

"Dorian, the guy from Joy-Joy... Sherry what is going on?"

I was almost certain that she will hang up on me after I will ask, but I still did. She was my best friend anything about her made me worry, I wanted to protect her like older sister of dome sort.

"Nothing! Listen I have to go, but I know you will figure it out how to keep him busy! Bye."

And she hang up as expected.

I looked at my phone screen, it was empty again. Keep him busy, easy to say, hard to do. I went down the stairs after dressing up, I didn't put too much thought in to it, I mean come on, I went to school with two different socks, I've seen worse. So as I showed up with my sporty pants and some white t-shirt I was greeted by huge cheering noises from living room.

I ran in to the chamber only to find out that my brother and Dorian was sitting in front of TV with football game on. My heart stopped beating like crazy as I understood that they found some activity to do. At least I didn't have to care about keeping Dorian busy and distanced from the fact that I completely forgot about his busy.

However as I wanted to walk out and was about to reach the kitchen he turned around looking away from the TV screen and our eyes met. He smiled at me and waved to come to them I was caught. Now I was forced to spend an evening with two extremely excited guy cheering for football players.

What else can I wish for?


Dorian whispered in the middle of the game. Out of instinct I was about to get up and get some more drinks, since Coby was asking to refill their glasses the whole evening.

"Is something wrong?"

I asked him trying not to drag Colby's attention, but his head was in the game.

"No, nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect actually."

He said that and got a little bit closer to me on the couch that all of us were sitting on. I threw a suspicious glance as he leaned in and put his arm over my shoulders then smiled.

"When what is it?"

I carefully questioned. I didn't like the flames in his eyes at all.

"I just want you to know, I really like you."

I sat there frozen as Dorian acted like nothing happened. My brother, my older over protective sports loving, book worm of the brother was sitting right there with us absolutely unaware of what just happened, while I had a guy to confess for me that he likes me. Now, how does that sounds romantic in any way?

Hey, how is the story going? What do you think, please share your thoughts in the comments and vote if you like what you see!!! Love ya ♥♥♥


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