My immortal

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Flashback - 13 years ago
A girl cowered into the corner of the box that had brought her into the glade as many curious faces peered down at her. A good looking boy jumped in and swept his messy blonde out of his eyes that were a mesmerising dark brown. "Names Newt Greenie," he smiled holding out his hand showing her that he meant no harm. The girl smiled shyly before grabbing it and she got hauled out of the box.
Flashback - 12 years ago
Y/N danced around the glade feeling free and happy for once and a certain British boy had made her feel this way and life in the glade was bearable. Y/N stopped her dancing hearing cries of terror and screams echoing off the maze walls and raced over to see Newt lying on the ground and her heart shattered as she pieced together what happened upon seeing the vines on the walls that had been disrupted as he'd climbed.
Flashback - 10 years ago
Y/N looked into Newt's eyes full of adoration as he caressed her cheek, they had begun dating shortly after the incident when they realised their feelings for one another and that life without the other would be unbearable. "I love you, don't ever leave," Y/N mumbled kissing Newt before nuzzling into his neck. "Never," he agreed nestling his chin on top of her head.
Flashback - 8 years ago
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief hugging Newt, it was over, the maze and the scorch trials were a thing of the past and they were finally free. During the scorch trials Y/N had discovered a tattoo inked on her shoulder and it read, "Subject A4, Group A, The Amore (lover) in french, she knew that it referred to the relationship she and Newt had as they both loved each other, their love had no bounds.
Flashback - Day The Rat Man Visited
When you'd cried I'd wipe away all of your tears.
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears.
And I held your hand through all of these years.
But you still have all of me.
Y/N clung to Newt like a lifeline waiting to hear the fate of her and her fellow gladers that were like her family. "Newt," the Rat Man read out and Y/N broke down crying right there and pushing Newt away as he attempts to hug her close. "You promised you'd never leave me," she accused him, but she wasn't really angry at Newt and deep down they both knew that.
Flashback - Newt's death
You used to captivate me by your resonating light, now I'm bound by the life you've left behind.
Your face it haunts, my once pleasant dreams.
Your voice it chased away, all the sanity in me.
Y/N looked at Newt with teary eyes, knowing she didn't have long left with the boy she loved. She tried her best not to noticed but Newt's eyes kept flickering hungrily to the gun that Thomas held in his hand. Only Y/N would walk out today with Thomas she knew that for sure. She hugged Newt tight crying into his shoulder, "I love you so much, I forgive you," she whimpered backing away and turning her eyes away from the scene that was playing out and she covered her ears with her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks. Moments later a hand laid on her shoulder and she turned around throwing herself into Thomas's arms and burying her head into his chest. "Please just take me away, I cant see him like this, I want to remember him as I knew him back when he was the real Newt," she sobbed and Thomas nodded silently leading her out of the berg rubbing circles into her back in comfort.
Present day
I'm so tired of being here, suppressed by all my childish fears.
And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave, cause your presence still lingers here, and it wont leave me alone.
These wounds wont seem to heal, this pain is just too real.
There's just too much that time cannot erase."
8 years ago and yet Newt's death still stung Y/N like a thousand grievers all at once. They had been living in Paradise ever since. Herself, Minho, Thomas and a few other gladers.
Y/N had wanted to blame someone for Newts death and for a while blamed Thomas for shooting him despite the fact that Newt had begged Thomas to put an end to his suffering.
Y/N sat in her room staring at the four walls not able to remember the last time she'd had a proper conversation with someone other than herself and didn't know when had been the last time she'd smiled then realised that she had no reason to be happy, not anymore. Y/N heard a knock on her door and rotated her head to see who it was this time. "Come in," she croaked, her voice hoarse, her eyes dark with bags underneath and her once petite frame was far too skinny. It was Minho who walked in with a tray of food. "Eat," he ordered handing her the tray of food.
Y/N shook her head defiantly, she wasn't going to touch that food not now not ever she thought determined. "Are you trying to shucking kill yourself? Eat or I'll shove the food down your throat myself. We're all worried about you because we care, we miss him too," Minho snapped. "I appreciate it but none of you are Newt and I just want to be with Newt, Minho. I'm so tired," Y/N mumbled and a look of hurt flashed across his features for a second before his face went blank. Y/N smacked the tray out of Minho's hands and watched as it clattered across the floor sending food flying in every direction, Minho sighed in defeat leaving the room.
Y/N was beginning to notice little things like the pounding in her head that reminded her of drums, or the tightness of her chest because she was heartbroken. She began to feel an overwhelming tiredness sweep over her and her eyes slowly began slipping shut. "Y/N," a familiar British voice calls out and Y/N smiles weakly to herself as she topples sideways glancing up to see Newt swimming in her vision, "I'm almost there, I'll be with you soon Newt," she mumbles before passing out completely.
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone, but though your still here with me.
I've been alone all along.
Y/N's eyes slip open as she regains consciousness and she smiles seeing Newt by her side. "I'm so glad to see you again, is this heaven?" she asks curiously looking around the room and noticing that she was still in Paradise. "No, you're alive. Minho had to force feed you because you were starving yourself! You've been out for a week, how could you do this to yourself?" Newt shouted with hurt flashing in his eyes.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Great now I'm hallucinating," she mumbled clenching her eyes shut. "You're not real, Newt is dead," she repeated to herself before feeling a warmth on her cheek and snapping her eyes open to see Newt's face hovering inches from her own. Y/N blinked in surprise and felt warm lips on her own and she kissed back hesitantly before realising what she was doing and pushed Newt away harshly.
"No, your dead. Thomas killed you," Y/N protested shaking her head. "How are you even here right now?" she wondered hoping that this wasn't one of those dreams where she would wake up to an empty room with no Newt. As if reading her mind Newt responded, "This isn't a dream. Damn slinthead has poor aim. Meant to shoot me in the head but the bullet hit me in the bloody shoulder instead," Newt chuckled lightly but stopped when he saw Y/N's angry glare.
"All this time you let me think you'd died. I went through hell and back and where the hell where you?" she demanded. "They were working on a cure. W.I.C.K.E.D found me bleeding out but no completely dead, not yet and thought I was the perfect candidate for the cure trials they had been working on. Because I wasn't too far gone they managed to cure me of the flare. They observed me and when they realised that the cure had worked they let me go telling me I could find the rest in a place called Paradise so I tracked you all and here I am," Newt grinned sheepishly and Y/N slapped him.
"You're an idiot," she seethed then smirked grabbing his shirt and pressing her lips against his and he hesitantly kissed back. "But you're my idiot," she smiled hugging him close and vowing never to let him slip through her fingers ever again.

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