I'm Nothing Without You [Andley fanfic]

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- A/N -

My first fanfic. If my story sucked please go easy on me ok thanks. 

The story will mostly be in Ashley's POV. 


-Ashley’s POV-

It was a fine, fine day. Me, with my phone, my bass, my family, my computer, my friends, and myself. I had this normal but beautiful day.

Until the night came…

I was about to go to sleep, until Andy called me.

He kept talking about his so called “girlfriend.” He kept telling me these kinds of stuff.





Ugh. I honestly can’t take this anymore. I wanted to shush him up. But how? I don’t want to ruin our relationship as bestfriends. And on top of that, I don’t want to hurt the love of my life. I wanted him to be happy.

So I just… went with the flow, not letting him notice my feelings. I asked questions that I definitely know the answer. Well I can’t help it, if he’s happy then so am I.

A couple hours past then Andy finally hung up. I finally got some good nights rest. Or was it really a good night? I got a really bad headache after that call. Well at least I got some sleep.

The next morning came, and I was about to have a very beautiful wake up call.

Or so I thought.

Andy called. Again. What’s he gonna tell me now? Probably just some girlfriend stuff like ‘OMG, MY GIRLFRIEND CALLED ME THIS MORNING EHEHEHHEH BABLABLABLA.”

Well I’m tired of that. Like literally. Well I answered the call anyway.

“Ash…” Andy said through the phone sounding depressed. I wonder what’s gotten into him.

“What is it Andy? Something wrong? You were very happy last night.” I asked him.

“Well… it’s about my relationship…” Andy said. Sounding MORE depressed. Oh don’t tell me his girlfriend got pregnant.

“What about it?” I said.

“We—I mean… she broke up with me…” Andy replied. I can hear him crying softly.

Oh God. This is worse than I thought. This is even worse than when he’s really happy. What should I do? Should I ask him what happened? This is pretty hard.

“Oh. My. God. What the fuck happened? Okay nevermind. Just come over to my house and we’ll talk about it.” I told him. I probably have to comfort him the physical way. Hey, not the dirty way okay. The ‘friendly’ way.

Andy ended the call, and after a short while I heard a knock from the door and I came to open it.

It was Andy. He looked so terrible. His eyes had bags, shitloads of tears, destroyed make-up, fucked up hair, and some cuts and bruises.

My eyes were so wide when I saw him like that. I mean, I never saw him like that before.

“Jeezus Christ, what have you been doing to yourself Andy? You look terrible!” I said, worryingly.

“It’s nothing. Can I just come over please? I also wanted to sleep here… I don’t want to sleep at my own room yet. Too many memories.” Andy begged. And of course I nodded my head. I mean, who wouldn’t?

I let Andy in and served him iced tea (since sodas make him sick).

“So what actually happened?” I sat beside him in the sofa, with soda on my hand.

“Well… while we were dating, she was also dating this other guy that I’ve never even met. Many people have told me before, but I didn’t believe them. And this one night, which was last night…”

“Uh huh…”

“We were about to have…” Andy couldn’t continue his sentence for he was shy.

“…Sex?” I continued for him. He nodded slowly. Oh my God, just Oh my God.

“Yeah.. but without even starting, she told me everything. She told me how she dated another guy. And how she was pregnant with him. And she simply patted me in the head, saying it’s over.” Andy said with tears rolling down his face. I don’t want to see those tears, so I wiped them with my hand. Ok no maybe not my hand but with tissue on my hand (was trying to make it romantic but eh.)

“I see… I’m so, so, sorry Andy. I never thought this would happen.” I hugged the sad Andy, then he hugged back.

“… it’s okay Ash.” Andy replied.

Okay, I seriously have to think of something that can make him feel better. I don’t want him to be sad. I don’t want tears rolling down his face. I don’t want him cutting himself. What to do? WHAT TO DO.

I thought real hard. And an idea finally came up in my mind, and I know Andy will love it.

“Hey Andy,” I called him.

“… What is it Ash?”

“You know… there’s this new Batman Movie coming out in the cinemas. Wanna watch? I’ll buy the tickets for you.”

(I hope this works I hope this works!!! *crosses finger*)

“OMG ASH, YES PLEASE, I WAS SUPPOSED TO WATCH IT WITH MY *cough* NEVERMIND. I WANNA WATCH IT MORE WITH YOU ANYWAY, LETS GO!” Andy happily said while jumping up and down like a human frog with gazelle legs.

His tears suddenly disappeared from his face. I knew it the moment I said Batman. I’m a fucking genius.

So we went to get changed, go get money, and finally into the car.

“You know Ash, if it wasn’t for you, I could’ve committed suicide. Thanks a lot. I owe you my life. I love batman.” Andy said, still smiling.

“You don’t have to Andy. I’m always here for you.” I replied, making me smile too.

We were finally in the cinemas. We bought popcorn, our tickets, and boy, the line was really long. We had to wait for a couple minutes just to get in, and we finally did.

Me and Andy sat at the very back to get a good view. We could see every single person in the cinemas! Yea! Literally!

While we were watching the film, I turned over to Andy and I saw him smiling like it’s his last day today. He also jumped up and down screaming “GO BATMAN” at awesome parts.

It was like a date (except it wasn’t.)

The film finished, and at the lobby, Andy hugged me again, saying ‘Thank you’ a couple times. It was embarrassing me a little, but it’s worth it. It’s Andy anyway. I also got this feeling that I had to confess to him. This is a rare opportunity and who knows, he might like me back.

“Andy… you know… for a long time I have been---“ I opened my mouth, but then I noticed Andy wasn’t listening to me.

“Hellooooooooo?” I waved my hand at his face, and looked at where he was looking at... 


- A/N - 

And that's about it huehue. Was it shit? Was it good? Leave a comment because I want to hear your opinions. Wait for the next chapter to see what happens next (nah shet) Hope you enjoyed it x. 

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