Chapter 11

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Okay if you ever wondered where i got the title, its from the song on the side. It's my favorite song from Three Days Grace. You wont regret listening to it, I promise.


“Do you think we should…?” Sandra asked.

“No. Let’s leave it like this. We don’t want to disturb them.” I replied to her. I took a pad of paper and asked everyone to write for Ashley and Andy, they all agreed.

Hey. Hope you guys get together well. Don’t fight again ok that hurts my eyes.

xoxo Sandra.’

‘Thank GOD you guys got back together. It really pains us to see you guys fight you know. You guys are like brothers and shit, and that’s just plain adorable. Andy, never cut your self ok? Cutting yourself only makes your situation worse.

                                                                                                Love, Jake, Jinxx, and CC’

‘Hey… I’m really sorry for what happened. Ashley, I shouldn’t have done what I did to you. Andy, it wasn’t Ashley’s fault. It was mine. I was stupid and selfish. And please, don’t ruin your friendship. It’s the best thing in the world.


We left the notes on Andy’s table, and left the house.

“Alright guys. It’s time to go home. Thanks for the time Sandra.” Jake said.

“Anytime. Hey, maybe you guys wanted to check out my new band soon?” Sandra replied.

“Sure! Alright, see you next time.”

“Bye. Hey Juliet, can I get your number?” Sandra turned to Juliet.

“Ok.” Juliet said as she wrote her number on a piece of paper and gave it to Sandra.

And after that, we all went home.


-Ashley’s POV-

I woke up, almost 8 in the evening. I saw Andy in front of me. Our arms were both wrapped around each other. Now this kept me thinking..

Does he like me back?

Hah Ashley, stop joking around. He’s straight and you know it. He only thinks of you as his brother.

But I kissed him and he didn’t stop me and he didn’t want me to leave.

Oh my GOD Ashley, stop it this isn’t the right time for your stupidity.

..Ok so I stopped talking to myself after 5 minutes or so and waited for Andy to wake up.

After a while I heard footsteps and voices downstairs..


It’s Andy’s parents.

They don’t know I’m here and they don’t know that Andy’s been cutting himself holy shit fuck I have to hide somewhere.

I quickly Andy and put him in a proper position in the bed and put a blanket on him to cover the cuts and I quickly hid inside this closet as soon as I heard footsteps coming upstairs.

“Andy! Are you there? We bought something for you!” I heard the voice coming from Andy’s mom.

I opened the closet a little so I can see what’s going on.

Andy’s mom entered the room with a little something on her hand…

“Aw. That’s adorable.” Andy’s mom said. She decided not to wake Andy up, thinking he might be tired after doing whatever the whole day. And then she put a stuff toy beside him, and guess what.

Andy hugged the stuff toy and it was the cutest thing ever like oh my fuck.

I got really claustrophobic and opened the closet door a little. It made a creaking sound and that caught Andy’s mom’s attention.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck no no no no no no no don’t come no no no fuck no get away no please no

Andy’s mom got really close to the closet and almost fucking opened the closet until…

“Honey? Where’s the key to my car? I have to go to the office I forgot something.”  Andy’s Dad yelled and that made Andy’s mom go downstairs and stuff.

Well thank god. 

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