Chapter 15

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-Andy's POV-

While I was crying, there was a loud ‘ting’ sound that the window made. I opened the window and looked down, it was Ashley. I smiled all the way up to my ears and said his name.

“I’m sorry!” Ashley yelled, apologizing for what he has done.

“Don’t apologize. You have done nothing wrong.” I paused for a moment, checking out for something that might hear me, a.k.a. my parents.

“Let’s run away.” I told him, still smiling.

I got back to my room and I was looking for something for me to get me down. I took my blanket and took others more and tied it all up together then I tied the end to the foot of the bed. I threw the rest of the tied blankets down the window.

I took a peek outside the window and Ashley’s still there, waiting for me.

I slowly climbed down the blanket-rope, carefully making sure that no one notices me except Ashes.

I finally got to the ground. Ashley and I were smiling at each other. We ran away.

-Ashley’s POV-

“Let’s run away.” Andy told me while he was smiling up to his ear. Of course, I was happy, but then again I thought… wouldn’t his parents worry about him? And I’m the actual cause of all this?

Crazy and fucked up but I don’t know, I was having second thoughts about running away with Andy. I mean, I want to but at the same time, I didn’t want him to leave his family.

More things came up in my head then I saw Andy climbing down his house. All of my thoughts faded away. Once I set my eyes on him, the only thing I could think of was the positive side and things that made me happy, and he’s one of them.

We smiled at each other and ran away from his home. 

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