Chapter 21

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*Time Lapse*

- CC’s POV-

Ashley’s coffin was about to be buried after the ceremony. I looked around and checked if everyone was here.

Jake, Jinxx, Sandra, Juliet, Andy’s and everyone else’s parents, Ashley’s relatives… there was one short.

I went to where Andy was. He was sitting in a dark corner, a couple meters away from the funeral.

“Andy, come on,” I touched his shoulder but he flinched away.

“I…I can’t stand to see him get buried. I’m sorry.”

“Well I can’t stand seeing you like that.” I sat down beside him. “You have to.”

He shook his head and put his head on top of his knees. I could hear him sobbing softly.

“All right…” I sighed. “I’ll come back to you when it’s over.”

I tapped his shoulder and went to the funeral.

When I got back, people were already throwing red roses at Ashley’s coffin as it slowly descends underground. Jake gave me a rose and I threw it.

“Where’s Andy?” he asked.

“He can’t stand to se Ashley getting buried.” I answered.

“I guess I better leave him like that instead of getting his heart shattered more.” I added and sighed heavily.

Moments later and Ashley’s coffin was now completely buried underground. I heard cries coming from most of his relatives.

“You’re crying.” Jake looked at me and chuckled.

“Shit, really?” I wiped the tears off of my face and laughed for a second.

I looked back up at him and saw his eyes flooded with tears, not letting them drop.

“Well look who’s fucking talking.” I pointed at him. He let out a small laugh and wiped his eyes. I glanced over the place and I think I saw Sandra comforting Juliet while she was crying. Juliet did like Ashley the moment they met, even though she barely knew him.

“We should be going.” Jinxx walked up to us while playing with his car keys. We nodded and walked with him.

“Wait-“ I stopped walking. They turned to me with a confused look.

“You guys go. I have to take care of something.”

They continued walking as I ran to the dark corner Andy was a couple minutes ago. When I got there, he was in the same position.

“Andy, we’re going home now.” I grabbed on to his hand. He didn’t move an inch.

“Andy,” I shook and moved his shoulder. I gently pulled his head out; his eyes were closed peacefully.

I had to admit, it was pretty cute. I laughed and carried him, bridal style.

“Let’s go home, Andy.”


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