Chapter 2

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A girl. A mother. Fucking. Girl. Ok to be honest she was pretty hot. But she fucking ruined my time.

“Andy? Are you planning on hitting on another girl again?” I asked with this annoyed face.

“Bu-but Ash…” He said nervously, pouting. “Introduce me to her? Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase~”

Well, what else can I do? I don’t want to make him sadder, and I have no other choice but to call the lady, and introduce him to Andy. This is just so fucking depressing for me.

I walked over to the girl and patted her at the back. She turned around. Ok fuck me she was really hot. No wonder Andy wanted to meet her.

“Hey um, I’m Ashley. My friend Andy, over there, wanted to talk to you.” I pointed to Andy.

“Really? Ok then. My name is Juliet by the way.” The lady said. Wow. Juliet. And then Andy is like Romeo. Really now?

So Juliet walked over to Andy, and I saw them talking. Pain grew in my heart. It fucking hurt like hell (Am I swearing too much?)

“Hey Andy, I’m gonna go to the toilet, alright? Go keep talking to July or whatever.”

“It’s Juliet.” Juliet replied.

“I don’t care.” I mumbled to myself as I walked to the bathroom.

Perfect. There was no one inside. I could get some private time with myself.

First, I pissed. Felt good as urine came out of my penis.

Then, I thought about Juliet and Andy about getting together. Seriously now Andy? You just fucking broke up with your ex-girlfriend who got pregnant and your hitting on another lady? SERIOUSLY? I am fucking --- aariarhusarbsersdkginfdgnf.

I punched the fucking wall so hard like a motherfucker. And my knuckle bled. I literally screamed when I felt the pain as the blood fell down on my fist. It hurt like HELL.

I sat down in the corner. Thinking, calming down for a few moments. I completely forgot about Andy so I came back outside to see if he was there.

And yes he is…. Still with Juliet. (I’m gonna fucking kill that woman.)

“Oh, hey Ash! What took you so long?” Andy asked.

“Uh….” I hid my bleeding knuckle behind my back. “Nothing.”

“Oh, kk. Anyway, you’ll never know how amazing Juliet is!” Andy said. Fine, he doesn’t even care about me anymore. Usually he gets mad and forces me to tell him what happened, but no. Juliet has to ruin it. And does it look like I’m interested in how ‘amazing’ Juliet is?


“She plays the guitar! Plus she’s in a band! Amazing amirite!!!?” Andy said, interrupting my ‘uh..’

“Really? What band?” I went with the flow, never letting Andy know I’m jealous.

“Automatic Loveletter. Although… we’re not really that famous yet.” Juliet said with confidence. What the hell does that band name mean?

“Ah hah, I can see that…” I said awkwardly. I don’t even know what to say. I just want to head out and go home. I don’t want to hurt myself.

“Oh yeah Juliet, we’re also kind of in a band too!” Andy told Juliet. “Right, Ash?” he turned to me. Oh god him and his innocent face. I can’t just say no to that.

“Y-yeah.. I’m the bassist and this guy’s the vocalist and lyricist. The other guys are probably—well home doing their shit.” I continued going with the flow. How long can I handle this, I wonder?

“All guys?” Juliet asked. It seemed like she was planning on hitting on all of us. Well that’s one hell of a slut.

“Yeah. All guys.” I answered back.

As Andy kept talking to Juliet, my phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered the call.

“Hey Ash, we have band practice today. Jake finally made the music done for Perfect Weapon.” Jinxx said through the phone.


“.. The fuck is up with you?”

“Long Story. I’ll tell you later.”

“O….k…. just get here ASAP. We can’t wait to show you our awesomeness.”


“Andy, we have band practice at Jake’s today. They want us to come now, ASAP.” I told Andy as I turned over to him while he was talking to Juliet. I interrupted their love atmosphere hehehehhe.

“Really? Then that’s the perfect timing!” Andy replied.

“Oh yeah, I know.” Me, saying that, because it is and Andy doesn’t even know what I’m talking about ^_^

“Juliet, wanna come with us and see our band practice?” Andy turned over to Juliet. OH MY GOD.  ANDY, STAHP.

“Sure!!” Juliet replied.

“NO—“  those two letters accidentally came out from my mouth. Fuck my life.

They both looked at me like I’m crazy. I have to tell them something…

“…. They might get distracted…” I continued awkwardly.

“Nah, I’m sure they wont. I’ll ask Jinxx.” Andy said confidently. Wow kill me now.

Andy called Jinxx, and I was praying he’d say no. And then after the call, Andy jumped up and down saying YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS while looking at Juliet. It’s a bad sign. Oh no.

So.. in the end, she had to come with us. I took her in the car.

I sat in the front, and I was expecting Andy to be in the passenger’s seat so I opened the door for him, sadly, he shook his head and told me he’s going in the back with Juliet. I’m gonna cry now. 


okay i have no hate on juliet. no hate. you guys will see in the next few chapters ^____^

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