Chapter 5

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So yeah the whole day, we talked about stuff and all that. Again. And the night came and we had to go home. It was really late that night so Jake offered if we could stay for the night.

“Sure. Why the fuck not? It’s been a long time since I haven’t bonded with you guys! Might get to know CC too.” Sandra replied fast. Well, who doesn’t want to sleep at Jake’s crib of awesomeness?

As Sandra said so, everyone else agreed.

Jake took out sleeping bags and unfortunately there was one short. Someone had to share sleeping bags. Or should I say, snoozie sack. AHHAHAHHA oh my god I’m laughing at myself.

I was about to ask Andy if he wanted share with me but then again, I remembered Juliet. Oh the happy life of being in love with your best friend.

And so everyone got in their Snoozie Sacks.  Juliet with Andy, Jake on his bed, and rest on their own bags. I kept looking at Juliet and Andy and every time I do, jealousy grows in my heart. One time I looked at them for so long they almost noticed me. Being friendzoned is fun fun fun.

We all watched a movie before we go to sleep. Marley & Me. My god that has gotta be the fucking saddest movie of all time like omfg I cried so hard. (like if u crie everytiem)

Everyone literally cried their asses off when the dog died. And as I looked at Andy and Juliet, well guess the fuck what, Juliet was sobbing into Andy’s chest.


“G’night peeps” Jake said as he turned the lamp off.

I couldn’t sleep well with all the snoring and the sleep-talking. Like ugh how do people manage to sleep with these noises?

Took me a while when I got to sleep soundly.


*in a bar where tons of strippers are pole dancing in front of drunk Ashley*

“Damn, dat ass.” –Ashley

“I know rite. I’d tap dat.” –Andy

“Andy? The fuck you doin’ in my dream what” – Ashley

“I’m here because I love you. Now fuck me hard” –Andy

“What the fuck is going o-“ *interrupted by Andy’s kiss*

We both made out. Hard. It felt so real to me, lips crashing, lip biting, everything. It’s like its actually happening in the real world, although something feels wrong…

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw someone making out with me. It was blurry at first but as my sight cleared up I was fucking SURPRISED BY WHO WAS MAKING OUT WITH ME.

Well guess who?

It was Juliet.

Yes, Juliet.

I’m confused too.

And I can’t believe I was kissing back in my dream holy fuck.

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