Chapter 14

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My mom slept most of the time I was there tonight. But that's okay. Not.

I'm worried about her, and upon that I need to talk to her. I'm freaking out because I want to tell Maddy and Bri about Jaxon and vent how much I hate that he's sleeping with the two sluts. But I can't. One, it's Maddy's brother she refers to as the devil, two, me and Jaxon haven't defined our relationship. It's not like I can be mad at him for sleeping with someone or two someones, because we have no relation.

More importantly, I saw the stats. She isn't looking good. I just hope she makes it to Christmas which is only 29 days away. Just one month, 7 visits from me, and only 3 or so weeks. That's all I ask.

And then I go back to Jaxon, because his mom died around this time. Gosh, Jaxon. He makes my blood boil as much as he does make my heart flutter. I hate that he sleeps around, that when he has a heart to heart with me, it means nothing to him and he goes off to them.

After a nice dinner with my dads I went up to my room and pulled my book out. Jaxon hasn't come in since Thanksgiving, which was 4 nights ago. 3 nights ago he took part in a three some.

Gosh, Allison, you're going to make yourself barf again. But those images of the two sluts in his room just-

Ugh. I quickly closed my curtain and window and hopped on my bed. It was only 9 o'clock and I was halfway done my new book I started tonight. Jaime and Tyler were really something, but Todd may give Tyler a run for his money. But then Ashley came in and make me second guess Todd and his motives. Goodness I love romance novels.

I set my book on the table and reached under my bed for my box. My Tony box. He was the best brother ever. Even though he did some shady things, he protected me with all his heart. I picked up the picture frame where I was hugging him from behind while he was carrying in groceries for mom.

A time where she wasn't 24/7 in the hospital. I sniffled back the tears, put the box away and got under my covers. I unplugged my lights that hung around my room, the darkness encasing my room immediately.


I heard the window open, then a few stumbles. I groaned and sat up flickering on my lights that hung around my room. And in the purple glow of the lights I saw Jaxon sitting on the floor and looking up at me while holding his side and hand.

"What are you doing?" I ground out stuffing my face in my pillow.

"I need some help."

I looked up from my pillow and at him trying to get up. I sighed and pushed myself off my bed to stand in front of him.

"With what?" I stared at his hand which looked a little bloody. "I thought you only did fights on Friday nights?"

"I had a fight at the track." He muttered going to my bed.

This was confusing. I think he goes to the drag race thing on Tuesdays, underground on Fridays, right?

You're still half asleep doll.



"Prick thought he was better or something."

"I bet he is." I replied with sass as I went to the bathroom to get some towels, and bandages or cloth to wrap whatever is in the first aid box we kept in here.

I went back to my room and sat beside him as he took his shirt off revealing a small slash on the side of his stomach where a nice bruise was forming. "What did you do get punched then, cut open?"

I opened the box and found tampons, that hydro stuff, bandages, wrap, tape,cottons balls, ear swabs, and something else.. just not sure what it is.

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