Chapter Three: I'll show you my world

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Dipper's POV:
I'm so excited to pick pacifica up only 4 hours to go... Wait what? 4 hours? Really? Damn I really need to lower my expectations on this one, I need some Ice cream or something (I don't drink or smoke so whatevs..)

4 hours later

I fixed my clothes and brush my hair using my hand then pacifica went out "Hey" I smiled "Hey, let's go?" I nodded and we go on... When we passed her house she said "Ummmm we just passed my house" I smirked and said "I know, I know" she giggled and said "Where are you taking me?" She asked "You'll see" when we arrived at the forest she looked bummed "What's wrong?" I asked "This iswhere you're taking me? Its a dead end! Are you crazy!?" She said angrily and pushed me "Uggghhh" she said in a pissed of voice "Pacifica wait" I stopped her and pulled her through the bush "What the... Dipper what are you doing? Nooo..." She said in a scared voice but when we passed through the bush she was amazed and smiled "Its beautiful" She said amazingly "Yeah, I know... C'mon..." I took her to the mountain "What are we doing here?" She asked "We're gonna climb this mountain" I exclaimed "Dipper Pines, you're crazy... I like it" the she laughed we started climbing. "Dipper" she said "What?" i asked then... "Race up top diphead... Hahahaha" she said as she took my hat "Hey that's not fair" I said while climbing after her... Moments later she almost fell "Woah!" She said then I held her. We looked into each others eyes but then she talked "Thanks" She said while taking my hand off of her "Yeah sure" I said with a faint voice " as we got up she wore my hat "Wow pacifica, It really fits you" I said with a smirk and then she smiled. Then she looked at the view and got amazed again "This is really beautiful" She said while gazing "Not as beautiful as you" I said while looking at her then she looked at me with a Confussion "What?" She asked "I said... i've seen a better view" I said nervously "Yeah... Sure you did" I stood up and walked away from pacifica "Dipper" she yelled and I turned around the she hugged me "What's this?" I asked "Thank you for this day" I looked at her and said "Hey, you can always visit me if you want to come here" I said "Yeah..." Then she looked at the sunset "Its so beautiful" she said while laying her head on my shoulder and I layed mine onto her head and held her hand. She looked at her watch and shouted with surprise "OH SHOOT" She shouted nervously "Why? What is it?" I asked "I'm so dead! I'm so dead! My curfew ended minutes ago! Oh God My parents are gonna flip. Ummm okay dipper see you sometime!" I ran after her and held her hand "Let me come with you. I'll take you home" I insisted "Okay- okay let's just be quick" moments later we came on her house "See you dipper" She said in a goodbye tone "Pacifica!" She turned around and looked at me "What?" I gave her my hat and smiled at her "Thank you dipper, goodbye" she said with a smirk "bye" I said smiling then I went home

I was so happy as I entered the house then the butler came up to me "Miss Northwest your Parents have been looking for you please meet them at the living room" he said and I went straight to the living room. I hid dipper's hat on my bag so that my parents wouldn't throw it away "Pacifica!" My mom said "Hello mother" I greeted "Where have you been?" My dad asked "Project... I helped my friend with her project" I said nervously "It took you so long. Now go to your room" My dad commanded "Yes father" then I turned around "What's that?" My mom asked "What's what?" I asked "What's that on your bag?" I pulled my bag and held it "It's nothing it's nothing" I said nervously "Doesn't look like nothing to me give me that" my mom commanded "No mother this is mine" My dad rang that stupid bell and I had no choice but to give it to her "Please no" I begged then they saw dipper's hat "Its that boy's hat. Have you been seeing him?" My father asked "What? No, I hate that loser" I pretended "Then what's this doing in your bag" My mom asked "None of your bussiness" then I walked up to them and get my bag and dipper's hat "Give me it!" I yelled "No!" Then my father threw dippers hat on the burning chimney "No!" I kneeled down and cried. I couldn't do nothing but watch it burn then I ran straight to my room. I lay on my bed and cried there and Questioned my self "Why do I feel this way? Do I like him? Do I like Dipper Pines? But he's my friend and that's that" I said to my self while crying

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