Chapter Ten: Facing Obstacles

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Dipper's POV:
Me and my wifey went to the mystery shack and went straight to uncle Ford's lab we saw him there doing something to prevent bill from taking over the world.
"Uhhhh... Hey great uncle ford" I said with a smile on my face.
He turned to me and smiled and he looked at my wifey "hello lad, hello pacifica" he greeted. "Hello Mr. Ford" Pacifica greeted. "Grunkle ford we need to tell you something" I said then we told him about bill and everything. I also told him about the journal number 4. He took it from me for some 'research' and stuff... Grunkle ford suggested that pacifica should stay here until he figure something out to prevent bill from reaching pacifica's head. "What now hubby?" He asked worriedly "Wifey, you should stay here with us I mean, your parents aren't in town right?" I suggested "Yeah but they will be back after a month" She said then grunkle ford barged in and say "1 month is all we need to defeat bill." Grunkle ford said. He explained us how and we learned it as fast as we could, we also told mable so that she would be careful too. As darkness filled the sky, me and my wifey went outside for some fresh air "Hubby..." She said "Yes Wifey?" I asked "We have a problem" she said "What is it?" I asked "I don't have clothes or anything I'm gonna go back tomorrow on our house and I'll go fetch some clothes there and my other stuff kay? But please come with me" She said I put my arm around her shoulder and say "okay, anything for my wifey" I said with a smile. We went back inside and decided to watch a tv show. Me,wifey,mabel and grunkle stan were watching ducktective. Me and grunkle ford are in the same couch while mable and pacifica in the same couch. Its okay, I respect it. Sometimes we need a little distance from each other so that it wouldn't seem like.... You know, awkward. After the show we went to our rooms. Pacifica slept on my bed while I slept on the floor. Its okay though, she's a girl, she needs the bed more than me. And so, we went to sleep.

Pacifica's POV:
I woke up and checked what time it is on dipper's phone, it says 12:13. I went downstairs so that I could go to the bathroom. As I walked in, I noticed something in my underwear and... "Oh crap..." Shiitt... I hate this!

Dipper's POV:
I saw pacifica went downstairs and I saw her went in the bathroom I waited outside the bathroom...
30 minutes later...
Man she's really taking her time there. I thought to myself. I couldn't help it, I knocked on the door "Wifey? Are you there? Its been 30 min. And you're still not out" I said worriedly
"Hubby, we have a little problem here" She said in an awkward voice
"What? What is it" I said confussingly
"Its just that.... Its uhhhh...." She said but she couldn't finish the sentence
"What?" I asked
"I- I have... A-a... Ummm... I have a menstruation today" she said in a worry voice. I asked her "What do you need?" I asked... She said "I need a... Sanitary napkin please quickly" she said... "Okay, I'll go ask mabel if she has some" I quickly went upstairs and asked mable "Mable... Mable" she opened her eyes a little bit "What?" She mumbled "Do you have a... *sigh* sanitary napkin?" I asked. Mable looked at me and shook her head "No I don't have sanitary napkin why?" She asked "ohh.. Okay never mind..." She then went back to sleep. And I ran as fast as I could to the closest open convinience store. I entered and asked the saleslady "Miss... Do-do you have any sanitary napkins around here?" I asked awkwardly she nodded "Right this way sir" then I followed her... Oh God... I saw tons of sanitary napkins and I didn't know which one to grab so... I got each one of them. I payed for them and went straight to the shack and to the bathroom... I knocked on the door and then pacifica opens it slightly I handed the bag full of napkins... "Why is there so many napkins?" She asked "Well... I didn't know which one to grab so... I bought each one of them" I said with courage "and your not embarassed by it?" She asked "no... There's nothing embarrassing for my wifey" she then cones out of the bathroom and hugged me tightly "thank you hubby" She said and smiled to me "Its nothing wifey, now go to sleep" I said then I went to sleep as well.

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