Chapter Twenty-two: Bye Gravity Falls

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Pacifica's POV:
I packed my things and Alliyah's. Marius barged in to my room and saw me packing my bags.
"Hey sweetie, where are you going?"
"San Francisco. I want to move there"
"Why move there? You can always move to Austria with me"
"Sorry Marius, not yet. Not until we're fully enganged. I'm only 18. And--"
"And you're a mom. I respect that. But when? When we'll be engaged"
"Right time Marius. Right time"
"okay. Here let me help you with that."
"No-no-No just tell my mom that she should start packing bags coz' we're gonna move to San Francisco"
"Okay" he said and he kissed me at my forehead. Then walks out of the room.

Dipper's POV:
Its a cold wednesday morning and slurped through my coffee. Then my phone rang. I opened it and saw a message from candy

Fr: Candy
Hey Dipper. Sorry I won't be able to make it there. I'm sick today. Maybe we should continue our ducktective 3 season finale after I get well. Kay? Text me when you get this.

To: Candy
Hey Candy. Its okay if you can't make it here. I'll just come by your place. So we can watch ducktective 3 and also to help you get well. I'll be there at 10. Get well soon! Bye 😘👌

After that I went inside and get ready. I went to buy some donuts and buy some coffee at starbucks because candy loves that so much.

Pacifica's POV:
After we pack our bags, we went to the Northwest limo and stopped by at starbucks for some coffee. I was holding Alliyah and we went inside.
"Hello Ma'am so what would it be?"
"Just a latte please."
"Okay, what's your name ma'am?"
"Uhhh... Alliyah" I used my daughter's name instead of mine.
"Okay ma'am. Please have a sit anywhere you like." I sat next to the window with my mom and Marius. We waited for our coffee to be done.

Dipper's POV:
"Hello sir, what would it be?"
"Uhhh.. Just some latte and cappuccino."
"The latte is dipper and the cappuccino is Candy. Oh can you please put a 'get well soon' message there?"
"Okay sir. Please have a sit anywhere you like"
"Alliyah?" The saleslady said and a girl with blonde hair walks up to the counter. I looked at her coz she looks very familliar. I bumped into her shoulder because I was heading straight to my table.
"Sorry" she said
"Pacifica?" I whispered.
Hey that's pacifica. And she's holding a baby. Wait, is that Demie?
They went outside and get in to the limo. It is pacifica. I ran to them. Pacifica was still outside the limo. She was about to get in til I tilted her to me. Then I saw her.
"Pacifica it is you!" I said with joy and I hugged her and demie
"Is that demie? Hey demie! Its daddy!" I said with joy
"Hello dipper, and goodbye"
"Why are you trying to get away from me?"
"Because what?"
"Nothing just, don't bother me ever" she said and went inside the limo. I was left there standing like an idiot. When the limo is far from my sight. I turned around and walked into candy's house.

Pacifica's POV:
Tears streamed on my face. Its like, I pretended never loved him. It hurts because I pretended I wasn't affected about what happened earlier. It hurts because I still love him.
"Sweetie are you okay?" My mom asked me
"Yeah I guess."
"Pacifica..." Marius says
"About austria..."
"I won't go til you cut your freaking long hair hehe." I kidded
"I'll cut it for you"
"Good, san francisco, here I come" I said

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