Chapter 3

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   I wake up, exhausted, to go to my 8 o clock class. I just couldn't get to sleep last night. The thought of not being able to be sitting on a beach in Cali tumbled around in my head all night, causing me to cry out of frustration. I DON'T WANT TO STAY HERE! What don't they understand? I just want to fucking LEAVE!
   Have you ever just wanted to pack up all of your shit and just get in your car and KEEP DRIVING? That's a thought I have everyday. I don't understand how someone who has accomplished as much as I have already (and I'm ONLY 21) can be just as MISERABLE as someone who hasn't and isn't going to do shit with their life! Misery loves company and I REFUSE to stay here and sulk in it!
   I rush out the door and drive to my campus. I go to Columbia University. It's one of the best schools you can go to in New York! I live in Harlem. Crime is not as bad as in the Bronx but still not dialed down enough to feel safe just walking down the street.
I park my car finally, after circling the student parking lot five times looking for an ok spot. I grab my bag and rush into the building and start up the stairs. While walking up, I see one of the most BEAUTIFUL girls I've ever seen and we make eye contact.
   She has gorgeous grey eyes, she's dressed in kaki skinny jeans, a black polo with red lining and writing, and she has on red, black, and white vans. She has her long flowing curls on point and I can tell it's not weave. She has sexy, caramel skin and she's lightly covered in tattoos of all different types. I can't help but try to talk to her.
I flash her a smile and playfully say," skipping class?"
She looks up from her phone and smiles back.
Oh my gosh that smile! Those DIMPLES! damn!
She chuckles one of the sexiest laughs I've ever heard and responds," Maybe just a little. How about you? You have a class right now?.."
I think for a few seconds..
"Nope! Not anymore!" I say smoothy as she grins harder and chuckles once again causing her chest to vibrate, catching my eye.
"You want to come skip with me or you goin' to go be a good student?" I ask trying not stare too hard at her lips painted with cherry red lip stain.
She licks her lips semi- seductively and I'm mesmerized. I hear a sound peek through them. She smiles and says , "sure, why not?".
I break through the trance and by force of habit I lick my lips as well. I say," My name is Gabrielle but everyone calls me Gabby. What's yours?"
We're standing so close that I can smell the coconut shampoo she uses. She also smells like vanilla with a sweet honey drizzle. Ain't nothin' like a female that smells as delicious as she looks.
   She bats her long eyelashes and with a pearly white smile says, "My name is Monae, but some people call me Mo."
   " Pleasure to meet you Ms. Monae."
   We walk out and I invite her back to my apartment. She stays on campus so her room can get a little crowded. My apartment is a 2 bedroom, with a balcony looking out towards the woods.  It's not the nicest apartment but it'll do for now until I get enough cash to leave this neighborhood FOR GOOD.
    The day I decided to tell my mom I was ready to move out, I remember arguing with her for about 3 hours! My mom is VERY stubborn but I guess she means well. She's set in her ways already, even being so young. She said I could move out of the house after I made a good proposal but one of her conditions was that had to stay close until I finished school, so I got STUCK here

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