Chapter 21

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   When we arrive at the hospital, they start rushing me down the hall to surgery. I can hear them talking all around me as I start to fade. My hands start to feel numb. My hand that was once griping my sister's begins to melt through hers and I can no longer feel her touch.
   "She's losing too much blood! We have to get her in there now! Let's go! Ms. Gabby. Stay with me honey. Come on baby girl, stay with me now."
   I feel a cold plastic rim around my nose and mouth and I feel my lungs filling with air that is not my own.
   " Gabby. Oh my gosh! GABBY! SIS! GA-.."
*Ariel's POV*
God please don't take my sister. I know I haven't been here with her and I haven't looked out for her as much as I should've, but please God. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. Thank you.
How could I let all of this happen to my little sis. I'm supposed to protect her.
The tears falling from my eyes, burn on my cheeks like hot rocks hitting me in the face. As I watch them take her behind the doors to an unknown fate, all I can think about is why did this have to happen like this? Why did it have to happen to my blood?
Gabby doesn't try to hurt ANYONE. Gabby is one of the SWEETEST people I know and deserves SO much better than what she's gotten. If she can pull thr-. No, WHEN she pulls through this, I think it might be best for her to come back to Cali with me and Jamie.
I continue to stand here until a nurse comes to me and asks that I return to the lobby.
" I'll let you know as soon as they get her out of surgery. She's in good hands."
She puts her arm around my shoulder and leads me to Gabby's friends and Jamie. She walks away as I walk over and Jamie embraces me. His scent and his muscles pull me in as I let my tears fall on his shoulder. He doesn't seem to mind.
The girls are sitting, wrapped in blankets given to them I guess by the second ambulance response team that came. I look at them and see that they have been patched up and they now have bandages and wraps where there once were scratches and gashes.
   What has she gotten herself into with these girls? Wait weren't there 3? Where's the chocolate girl? It's not really my business but I don't want my sister to get hurt. I let go of Jamie and start rubbing Amia's back, who seems to be having a really hard time with this. The other girl is upset as well but Amia seems devastated.
   Amia and my sis have been close for years and I always thought my sis would turn out to be gay and develop a crush on her, but who would of bet I'd be right. She told me that she was bi-curious before I left and I accepted it then and I'll except her for who she is NOW, just the same.
* Amia's POV*
   The image of them putting my best friend on to that stretcher and loading her in the back of that ambulance, keeps replaying in my head. Ariel rode with her and after we got bandaged up, we rode with that Jamie dude to meet them here.  The last thing we saw was the ambulance people rushing her down the hall and behind the huge double doors.
   I love her so much. We been through some SHIT. We been friends since 4th grade, when I first moved here from A.t.l. She was the first person to come up and start a conversation with me. We been each others' feet to stand on ever since. I know she's always kinda had a crush on me but I never said nothing because I was feeling her too.
   I don't know what's going on but I'm supposed to be straight and I can't be having these feeling for a female, let alone my BEST FRIEND. Amia needs to get her shit together.
   I'm just praying she make it. She strong in heart and mind but I pray her body's just as strong, if not stronger.
*Monae's POV*
   Before we left that guy's house, the ambulance guy that was checking me asked me if I was in any pain or pregnant or anything. I told him that I think I may be pregnant. He talked me into letting them take me, just incase I am. They put me on a stretcher and loaded me into the ambulance. I didn't really want to ride with the others anyways.
When I got here, they took me to a restroom and made me pee in a cup. They then got me in a room, checked my signs, and took down information.
   I'm just sitting here waiting on the doctor to come in and thinking about all that went down. My knight in shining armor came to save us! I didn't know about the white girl, which kind of upset me, but me and Amia, I think her name was, have met. We didn't get off on the best foot but I was grateful she helped to get us out of there.
   That dude MAD crazy yo. Like I thought we were gonna die in that house. If it wasn't for Gabby, we probably would have. I just hope she's okay. When they were bringing me in, I heard them rushing somebody down the hall around the corner. God help her.  I just found her, I can't lose her now.
   This girl is something special. She has opened my eyes to a whole new world. I was bi-curious  before we met but now, I KNOW what I want and that's her. Whatever gender she is doesn't even matter. I just hope she chooses me.

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