Chapter 9

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As I lay here holding Mo while she sleeps, I forget about all that's happened. Derek who? He did what?..All I think about is Mo.
   I imagine standing in public again except this time we don't speak from our mouths, our eyes say everything; every emotion.. Not one word goes unheard.
She starts to wake up and I kiss her lips softly causing her to smile and her dimples to deepen. She flips my mind inside out every time we're together. As I lay here, I try to sort through my jumbled up feelings of love, confusion, anxiety, and others that I can't even differentiate.
   She opens her eyes and wipes them.
   " Hey baby. What time is it?"
   "It's 10 pm."
   She had slept for a good hour. She looks up at me and I kiss her.
   She asks me," Weren't we supposed to talk when I got here?" with a giggle.
   "Oh yeah we were.. We kind of got side tracked huh?" I smile and she returns one.
"So what was it that you were going to tell me?"
" Um..."
   She sits up beside me and looks at me in a way that only she can, giving me her full attention.
   I try to continue.." ..Well a week ago, I was raped by my stalker ex boyfriend.."
    Her face instantly fell when the word "raped" left my lips. She places her hand on mine and locks our fingers together.
   " He uh.. was in my car when I came out and he grabbed me and forced me into the backseat and-"
   She cuts me off as I start to tear up.
   "It's okay baby. You don't have to go into detail."
   She pulls me in to a warm embrace. Our bodies locking together as we hold each other tight. I feel her hands on my back rubbing around in circles. The tears I had been holding back just start falling, running down her naked back. I wipe my eyes with my right hand and she makes me lay my head on her shoulder.
We sit like this for about 5 minutes then we loosen our grips on each other and I sit back against the headboard while she lays her head on my chest.
" I dated Derek as a cover up a while ago and I broke up with him because I realized I wasn't being true to myself. He's one of those people who just won't let go and constantly stalks everything you do. He won't leave me alone and I don't know what to do. Now he knows where I live and that freaks me out."
She looks at me with concern and replies," Have you tried to tell the police or your mom?"
"No. I don't think the police here would do anything and my mom and step dad would KILL him and I don't need them going to jail when Kayden is only 6 months. I just want to handle it on my own."
" Okay baby.. Well I'm here if you need me; like for ANYTHING you need."
   I nod and kiss her forehead. Just as my lips release, my phone rings and it's Amia.
   " Hey Mi Mi!"
   "Hey babe. I'm on my way to your place with a surprise."
   " Um.. okay cool. I'll be here."
   " Alright see you soon!"
   "Okay bestie! Bye!"
   I hang up and start to think...Well this is about to be weird with both of them here. Well it's not like Amia likes me in that way or nothing right? I mean I don't date either of them or nothing like that but I think Mo and I are "talking". I mean I don't know really..
" That was my bestie, Amia. Guess you two are going to meet, unless you have somewhere to be.."
"Oh cool! I don't have to go anywhere! I would LOVE to meet her!"
"Um.. ok..awesome! She's really cool. I hope yall get along. She can be a little pushy when it comes to people I talk to or date. She helps me judge if I should move further with them or not. I value her opinion the most out of anybody else.."
She does a cute yet concerned smirk and says, " Well, I hope I pass the test.."
I hear Amia's special knock on the door...

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