Chapter 22

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*Gabby's POV*
   It's been a week since the incident and I was released from the hospital 2 days ago. My sister has been staying with me and helping me function around the apartment.
   It was crazy waking up in that hospital bed with my arm wrapped up in a cast and sling. The first face I saw was my sister's. I looked around the room, trying to find my girls. Ri Ri told me that they would only let one person in at a time. I was so weak and my eyes felt SO heavy. I tried to speak but she shushed me and got up in the bed beside me.
  As she hugged me, she said, "I was so afraid you were gonna die."
   I stayed quiet as she laid her head on my good shoulder and I let her continue.
   " I prayed the whole time you were in there. I can't believe I let this happen to you. I'm so sorry."
   I felt her tears hitting my naked collar bone. I felt something in my nose and it was like I was breathing in freshness. They had to put a tube in my nose to help me breathe.
The nurse came in to check my vitals.
   She said in a southern accent," You know, you gave us QUITE a scare young lady. You're a soldier, you know that?"
   My sis got out of the bed and the nurse checked me out and said that I would be able to leave in a couple days if everything kept going well.
   When she left my sister kissed my forehead.
   "I'm gonna go out here so that one of them can come in here to see you.. But I love you sis. I'll be here."
   I gave her a weak smile and she left out. About a minute later Amia came in. Her eyes were puffy and red, and I could tell she had been bawling. She walked in slowly and hugged me gently. When she let go after a minute, I patted to the spot beside me where Ri Ri had been laying. She got up in the bed and laid her head on my chest. I put my arm around her back slowly.
   Mi Mi laid there quietly for a while and then she softly began to speak.
   " I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt you that day. I just.. I don't know how to feel right now. My heart is telling me I'm in love with you.."
   My eyes opened wide and just laid there and listened as she continued.
   ".. but my mind is telling me I don't want to be gay. I'm scared of what being with you would mean. I'm TERRIFIED to lose what we've been building since 4 th grade. What if something bad happens and-"
" I love you..", I interrupted.
   I could barely speak but I NEEDED to talk to her. My voice was raspy and weak but I knew she could hear me because she stopped talking, lifted her head, and just looked me in my eyes as I went on.
   " I know you're scared but if you choose to be with me in that way.. it won't be easy... but I'll always be here by your side... If the relationship part doesn't work.. we will still be friends because our friendship is too strong to break.."
   "I love you, Gabby. Just know whatever happens between us.. you and them other girls.. whatever, I'll always be here and I'll always love you."
   She kissed my lips so soft, it sent chills down my spine and I had to take a deep breath to keep my heart beat from setting off the machine. She got up and walked out wiping her eyes.
Shayla came in after her and her eyes were red as well. She came in, gave me a hug, and kissed my lips.
"Hey cutie."
"Hey Shay."
" I want to say thank you for coming to save us. That was really brave of you."
" I'm sorry you got put in that position....I never meant to get anybody hurt."
" Yeah, it was kind of fucked up how all of this happened. I really like you but it seems like you have yourself a decision here. I would love to take things further with you but I'm nobody's 2nd or 3rd choice. There's just too many other females involved. I hope you understand and I hope we can still stay friends."
"I understand..Yeah, I would love to stay friends with you..You are an amazing person and I love the way you can kick ass when I need you hehe.."
I gave her a weak smile and she hugged me.
" And hey.. if whoever you choose don't work out, I'm here as a fuck buddy." , she laughs.
I laughed faintly and she left after saying, " I'll see you later, mate."
The last one I was waiting to see was Mo. She came walking in after about 10 minutes, with a slight smile on her face and I can't help but smile back.
" I'm so glad you're okay. You scared me baby."
She kissed me just as soft as Mi Mi. It's something about Mo that just draws me to her. This decision is going to be so hard. I'm in love with both Mi Mi AND Mo. I don't know what to do, like really.
   "Gabby, We have to talk about the fact that there are so many of us that you are trying to be with.."
Aw man is she bowing out too...
" but we can talk about it when you get out of here. I want you to get some rest and just know... I love you, Gabby."
My eyes got big and I know my face burned red as she turned to walk out. I grabbed her hand and she turned her head to face me. I pulled her back to me with little strength, pulled her down, and planted a few deepened kisses on her silky pink lips.
"I love you too, beautiful.."
A tear rolled down my cheek as I thought, what have I gotten myself in to.

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