Chapter 16

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   I leave grandma's and head back to my apartment. When I walk up to my door, there is a note sticking in the side.  I unfold it and walk inside shutting the door behind me.
   It reads: Hey bae. Sorry we aint talked  much but I forgive you for being a bitch to me. I wanted  to tell you in person but I think this is better . I'm in love with you and I won't stop tryin. You mine. Nobody elses. And if I can't have you nobody can so you better act right. See you soon. -Derek
I go to my room and try to call Amia. No answer. I call Mo. I get sent straight to voicemail.
Are they really that mad  at me? Amia always answers..
I text them telling them to call me back when they get the message and then call Shayla. She doesn't answer either.
Something's up.
I go get my keys and get in my car. I drive to Amia's apartment and her car is here so I go knock. I don't hear her tv on which is ALWAYS on if she's here. I try her phone again and still get no answer. I'm really getting worried now.
I go over to her car and pull on the handle to see if it's unlocked. The door opens and I see her iPhone laying in the floor on the driver's side. Two facts I know about MiMi is one: she is NEVER without her phone and two: she never leaves ANYTHING unlocked. My heart starts pounding faster and faster.
I get in my car and I get a call from my sister, Ariel.
"Hey sis.", I say trying to keep my composure, but my voice is kind of shaky.
"Hey you okay?"
"Um.. no not really." The tears start to fall uncontrollably.
"What's wrong Gabby?", she asks sounding very concerned.
" It's kind of a long story and I'm sure you don't have time."
" I have plenty of time sis. Tell me what's going on."
I tell her everything that's been going on. I tell her about the rape and how he won't leave me alone, about the girls and that whole situation, and about the whole coming out stuff; EVERYTHING. She listens throwing in comments when I pause.
I continue to break down, " I just KNOW something is wrong. I don't know what to do anymore! Like, every time I start to get ahead, Derek knocks me back. I just don't know Ri!"
" Call the police and see what they can do. I'll be there as soon as I can sis."
" For real? You're coming?"
" Yeah. I'm going to call in a favor from this guy I know that has a private jet. I'll be there as soon as I can, I promise."
We hang up and I try to stop crying and wipe my eyes. I settle down enough to drive back to my place. I call 5-o and tell them that I've been being stalked by my ex, that he's raped me before, and that I think he may have hurt my best friend.
" Okay ma'am. We have it in our computer. We'll get back to you when we have something..."
I hang up... That's what they always say! When I called them about my cousin being raped by our uncle. They said the SAME..DAMN..THING! THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T BOTHER TO CALL THEM IN THE FIRST FUCKIN' PLACE! THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT US!

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