Chapter 7

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   I stand here in shock as I watch Amia walk back over to me. It's like I can feel everything and hear everything but I just can't move. I stand motionless just staring as Amia walks up with her arms open wide. She pulls me in to her chest and hugs me tight.
   I hug back and this is how we stand for about 3 minutes. She lets go, goes to the other side of my car and opens my driver's side door to get the keys out of the ignition and my phone out of the seat. My slides lay at her feet still in the position they had fallen into.
   I stand here in my socks, bra, and b-ball shorts still as a chair. She picks up my slides and walks me into the house and to the couch.
   "Are you.. Of course you're not okay. Do you want to go to the hospital?"
   I shake my head and stare down at my legs.
   " We need to call someone babe.. or at least get you checked out. We can call-"
   "No one... call no one.. I'm fine. I just want to take a long hot bubble bath." I say, finally checking back in.
   " Okay, babe. I'll go run you one; come on to your room."
   I get up slowly, still in pain. I walk in my room and go to my dresser to look at my face. Since I'm light, I didn't walk away unmarked. There is a HUGE bruise stretched across my face from when he slapped me. I have a red print on my forehead from the seat.
   My eyes wander my body as I hear Amia getting my bath ready.... So many bruises...
   Amia comes up slowly behind me and hugs me gently.
   " Your bath is ready Love. I used your favorite bubble soap and I'll turn on some music for you, so you can relax.. I'll go to the kitchen and get you a drink; go ahead and get in."
   "Thank you so much Amia.. Really..I mean if it wasn't for you showing up I don't know how far he would have went.."
   " No thanks necessary babe. I just wish I would have got here sooner.."
   She turns on some music, goes to the kitchen, and I strip and get in the bath slowly. My body burns but yet I feel cold at the same time. After about 10 minutes, she comes into the bathroom with a rolled blunt and two open bottles of Bud Light Lime.
   She puts the seat down and sits on the toilet beside me. She lights the blunt and hits it 3 times before passing it to me. We don't talk really but just sit here enjoying each other's company.
   Close to an hour later I get out of the tub and she hands me a towel. I wrap it around me and I walk to my bed followed by Amia. I lay down and she sits beside me leaned up against two pillows.
   Unexpectedly, she starts to pulls me over to her and I don't resist. She puts my arms around her stomach and hers around me.  I lay my head on her chest as she holds me close. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.
   When I open my eyes I am still in her arms. I look up and see her sleeping so peacefully. I have to admit that I do have feelings for Amia. But as far as I know she's not gay.
   We experimented once when we were around 13 but that's it. Once I realized I was a lesbian, I didn't want to ruin anything. I've never told her how I felt about her and I try to ignore it but damn I love laying in her arms.
   Amia is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside, with long, dark brown, curly hair and a beautiful smile. She is mixed with white and black. And she's a super shorty like me with a curvy body.
   Damn she smells good!
   I reach for the remote on the other side of her, turn on the tv, and try to turn it down quickly. She's a super light sleeper so she wakes up and looks down at me.
   " Hey you feeling a lil better?"
   I smile a little and say, " Yeah, I'm good."
She starts to rub my arm and for this moment I feel at peace. I'm not thinking about Derek or anything else, just how it feels to be held by her.

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