Chapter 15

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   Grandma made me stay the night with her in her room so that she could keep an eye on me. I wake up around 8 Am and she is already up, in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She has her radio on in the living room blasting Kirk Franklin's "Imagine Me".
I look over and see her church clothes laid out on the bed. I get up and go into the kitchen where she is. The first site I see is my beautiful grandma dancing around in her hot pink robe and hot pink bunny slippers. She's a mess. All I can do is smile and be thankful that my vision isn't blurry anymore. I still have a black eyes though.
She finally notices me and motions me over saying " Good morning my baby." I give her a hug and she kisses my cheek.
She looks me over and asks," How you feeling this mornin'?"
"I'm okay. My head still hurts a little but I can see clear again."
" I'm glad you feelin' better. I don't know what's done got into yo mama. I didn't raise her to be like dat. Don't make no sense to be that mean. I know one thang she better leave you alone for I bust her in the head.", she says making a fist and waving in front of her.
" Come on and fix you somethin' to eat so we can get ready for church. You comin' aint you?"
" Yeah, I'll go."
I go fix a plate and grandma does the same. We sit at the table and eat, then go get dressed for church. I put on some kaki skinny jeans and a black and white button up with black and white vans. I cover up my black eye and put on a little black eye liner and mascara but keep it simple. I leave my hair curly and put it in a low ponytail.
Usually I dress a little more girly, I guess you could say because I would wear like a dress or some dress pants and a blouse but today I don't CARE what they may think or say about me. Their opinions are irrelevant.
My grandma sees my outfit and smiles.
" Well don't you look nice. Is this how you like to dress? You look comfortable."
"Yes, this is how I dress when I'm not around yall. I'm not a stud though, if that's what you're thinking. I dress both.. like boy/ girl."
" Well I like it. To hell with what anybody else say! As long as you happy, do you."
I smile, give her a kiss on the cheek , and we go get in her car and head to church.
When we get in I immediately get stares. Damn word does travel fast. We sit in grandma's favorite spot and wait for service to start.
Ms. Thang Thang who always has something to say comes up to my grandma, looks at me up and down and says to her with that fake ass grin again, " I see you've brought Gabby back finally. Haven't seen you in a while. How have you been honey?", she says looking at me.
I choke down the smart ass comment I feel about to come up and smirk and say," I've been just great...How's your daughter? I haven't seen her in a minute." Oops smart ass came out.
She smirks and says, " Oh Erika's fine. She's um..She's been busy with school as of late but I'm sure you'll see her soon."
Nah she's not busy with school, she's busy at her girlfriend's house riding her strap with no hands.
"Well let me go find my seat. It was good to see you both."
Grandma says, " You too." I start laughing a little when she walks off. Grandma looks at me smiling.
" Don't pay her no mind baby."
I keep laughing.
" What you laughin' at crazy?"
" Just the fact that she's so worried about me but yet her daughter is a lesbian too. I saw her the other day but she didn't see me. She doesn't even go to college. Her girlfriend is a stud that lives below me. I saw her walking into her apartment."
Grandma shakes her head and laughs. The service starts and when it's almost over, the pastor glances over to me and starts saying stuff about how young people are being corrupted and all kinds of stuff about how the youth are on a wrong path and headed for hell but the adults need to guide us the right way.
I know for a fact he's talking about me but I just look down at my Bible and start reading. I can feel eyes staring holes through my flesh. I glance up and see 10 eyes planted on me. They look away as they see me notice them.
I tap my grandma's leg and she looks at me and says, " I know baby just ignore them."
At the end of the service the pastor calls me over and starts to talk to me about what he's been hearing.
" Now Gabby I'm not here to judge you but I've heard rumors about you being gay and your mama asked me to talk to you. Do you know that life leads you to hell? I don't want to see you go down for this. Now I'm here to hel-"
" With all do respect, I don't want to nor do I need to hear this speech. I 'm fine. I don't know what you've heard from my mother or anybody else about me but honestly I couldn't care less. Now if you'll excuse me, my grandmother needs to get home."
I walk over to my grandma who had wanted to come over there with me and who had been watching very anxiously. We start walking out and another member passes by and says," You should be ashamed. You better get right with the Lord before it's too late.."
Grandma says, " You better get something done to them nappy ROOTS before it's too late."
"GRANDMA.", I say with a surprised look and trying not to die laughing.

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