Chapter 13

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It's been a week since I've talked to both Mo and Mimi. I've been hanging out with Shayla since that night she came over for the first time. I haven't heard from Derek, so I think he finally got the hint.
I'm on my way to grandma's house because she's been calling every other day. "When you gone come back to see me?", she always asks. Grandma knows something's been up because I was coming over every weekend and I haven't been there in about 2 weeks.
I know if I tell her about the Derek situation Derek will DEFINITELY be dealt with. I keep pondering the thought in my head. Do I really want to see him KILLED?
I get to grandma's house and go up and ring the doorbell posted next to her big red door. I hear her bedroom shoes on the hardwood floor growing louder as she walks towards the door. She opens it and immediately pulls me into an embrace.
"My baaaaaby!"
" Hey grandma! I missed you!"
" Why haven't you been to see yo grandma in all this time?", she asks pulling me in the door and releasing her hold.
She's looking at me with her concerned face with her lips stuck out. I try to keep a smile on my face but she can see straight through it.
"I've just been busy with school and keeping up with my assignments."
"Yeah, Umhm. You wanna try again? You know I know when something's wrong with you."
We walk to the couch and I sit beside her.
" Well.. "
" Spit it out child. You know you can tell me."
I look her in her eyes because she doesn't like us talking to her any other way.
"Grandma.. I'm gay..."
There is a momentary pause and I look down for a second before she picks my head back up by my chin.
"Well, baby I already knew that. What else is it?"
" Wait what do you mean you've known? How? When?.." I say surprised by her response.
" You know grandma always knows. I knew when you were dating that Terek boy that you wasn't happy."
" Derek, grandma.."
" Derek, Terek, T- rex.. whatever the hell his name is, I knew you didn't like him. I've seen you look at women the way I look at Denzel! Yes child, grandma always knows. Why did it take so long for you to tell me out your mouth?"
" I was afraid I would be disowned and punished for who I am.."
" Baby, I'll always love you no matter what you do , no matter who you choose to be with. You're my heart! NEVER forget that."
She pulls me into a warm embrace and I let a tear fall. She pushes off slowly and wipes my tears.
"Now you stop that crying and remember that you got to be strong. This world is hateful and you WILL overcome. You got to push THROUGH the hate and always remember God and your grandma loves you through it all!"
" Okay grandma, I will... I'm still really afraid to tell mom because you know how homophobic she is."
" Well, baby you've got to show courage. She might be upset but she's still your mama and she's still gonna love you."
" Will you be with me?"
" Of course I will baby. You just tell me when you're ready and I got your back." She smiles and hugs me, then let's go slowly.
"Now what else is wrong? I know that's not all. I can sense there's something else you're not telling me."
" You're not going to like it.."
She sits up and fixes a pillow behind her back and motions for me to go on.
" I was raped 2 weeks ago.."
Her face immediately changes on the word " raped" and I can see rage behind her eyes.
" WHAT! WHO WAS IT? You tell me RIGHT NOW!"
" If I tell you, you'll kill him-"
" Ya damn skippy!"
"-and I don't want yall in jail over this bs."
" Gabrielle..Who was it?", she says trying to control her anger and working hard to speak calmly.
"It was Derek."
" Okay.", she says with the calmest face she can muster up.

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