Chapter 23

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Mo is on her way over so that we can talk. I've been thinking a lot about who I'm going to choose and I'm still stuck. My sis and I had a little discussion about how she thinks I should move to Cali with her.
   She says that she thinks it's best that I make a fresh start there. Ariel is still modeling and has a lot of connections around and could get me into just about anything I want but I still want to go to school so I've been looking into a university there.
   I hear a knock on the door and my sis left out to go run a few errands, so I go open the door. The beautiful glowing face of Monae graces my eyes. She smiles and embraces me, wrapping her hands around my neck. I hug her back wrapping my good arm around her tiny waist.
What is it about this girl that makes her so irresistible to me?
   We walk to my room and sit on my bed.
   " Would you like something to drink?"
   "Nope, I'm good babe. Thank you though... So listen.. I'm pregnant.."
My eyes widen and my mouth drops.
   "And before you say anything, I didn't find out until we were in the hospital. They checked me out because I thought I might have been. When we started talking, I was talking to this guy also. I didn't think me and you would be anything but fuck buddies honestly, but it's something about you that made me want more."
   " So are yall still talking and fucking?"
   " Yeah but I mean you haven't made up your mind on who you want to be with. I want to be with you but this is crazy! I love you Gabby; I really do. I don't just throw those words around like that. Like I truly want to be with you. I want you to be the one, I raise this baby with. Do you choose me..?"
   My eyes water up as she speaks and her's do as well. My heart feels heavy as I search my soul and my mind for a response.
   I place my face in the palm of my hand and she grabs my wrist and pulls me in to a hug.
   " You don't understand how hard of a choice this is for me. I've loved Amia since 5 th grade that's about 11 years. She finally has admitted that she's had feelings for me too. I need you to understand that if I don't end up picking you, it is not something you did because I love you too."
   "Okay.. I'll give you a little more time because you're worth it."
   She puts her hand on my chin and looks in my eyes and she starts kissing me and as we keep kissing, they deepen and our hands start exploring. Her hands grab at my tank top, pulling me on top of her, careful not to hurt my arm. She pulls away from the kiss.
   " I don't want this to influence your decision."
   I go back in and start making out with her again and she ends up staying here all night.
   It's the next day and I'm meeting Amia today at her place. Mo left early this morning and I'm on my way over there. I have some big news to tell her. I don't know how this will go but I'm praying she doesn't spazz.
   I get here and knock on her door. She opens it wearing a tank and booty shorts like always. We go in her room and sit on her bed. I take off my shoes and get comfortable. She sits beside me criss- crossed as I lay propped up on her pillow.
   She licks her lips and looks up at me. She quietly begins to speak.
   " How have you been since the hospital?"
   " I've been okay. My arm hurts a little but I mainly stay drugged up...I've missed you.."
   " I missed you too."
   She looks back down at her thighs.
   "Look at me please?"
   She does.
   " We need to talk about us."
   Her eyes focus in on mine.
   "Okay, let's."
   "Okay. I want to know how you really feel about me and how long have you known that I had feelings for you, and why you didn't say anything."
   She clears her throat and begins.
   "Well.. I figured out you had feelings for me around the time we experimented with each other in 7 th grade. I honestly had feelings for you too but I didn't want to so I just tried to let it pass. It never did... I realized I want you. I fucking love you Gabby and I don't want to hide it anymore."
   " I love you too and you don't know how long I've been waiting on you to say that... I hope you don't change your mind after what I tell you.."
   "What is it?"
   " I'm moving to Cali with Ariel tonight.. Our flight leaves at 7.."
   There is a brief moment of silence and she seems really upset. She hops up and starts pacing.
   " Why Gabby? Why now? Why didn't you tell me sooner, before... What am I supposed to do with that? How am I supposed to deal with this?"
   " I want you to come with me. I want YOU. I choose YOU. I need you to come with me."
   " I can't just leave everything behind and come to Cali! That's too far! I can't just leave all my family and everything! I can't..I'm sorry."
   Tears start to fall from her eyes and I get up and hug her.
   " I understand.. I'll miss you but we can keep in touch. See you later best friend.."
   I release the hug and walk out and go to my car. Before I take off, I wipe my face and drive to Mo's house. I knock and when she answers she looks surprised.
   " Hey, let me get this out okay?"
   She nods.
   " I love you and your happiness means a lot to me. You have been a special person in my life ever since we met on the steps that day. I'm moving to Cali to tonight and I don't want to leave without telling you that I'm sorry but I'm not choosing either of you. I hope that we can be friends but I know you need time to take all of this in. I'm sorry if I hurt you but like I said I do love you and I hope you and your child have a wonderful life. Stay in touch please and I'll be happy to help you out in the future. Please don't hate me.."
   She's standing here in shock as I embrace her. She hugs back slowly and I plant a kiss on her cheek.
   "I understand Gabby. I wish you the best. Bye.."
   With those words she starts to cry and I hug her tighter.
   "Don't cry over me. Get yourself together and always remember you are special and if anybody can't see that, they don't deserve you.. Bye beautiful."
   I leave and go finish packing my clothes. Ariel and I head to the airport. I talked to my grandma before I left. She isn't too happy about me leaving but she understands.
   Before we got to the airport we stopped by grandma's to say bye. Now we're sitting here waiting on our flight to be called. I'm staring into my phone and my sis whispers my name and taps me on the shoulder.
As I look up, I see Amia walking towards me with bags in her hands. I stand up and walk over to her smiling.
" What are you doing here?"
" I can't be without my best friend...And I hope I can be your lover too because I want to be your everything."
She sits her bags down.
" What are you doing?"
She gets on one knee in her cute grey skinnies and pulls out a white gold ring with a heart shaped blue diamond on it.
My eyes get HUGE and my mouth drops.
" Gabrielle, I've always loved you and who's better to spend the rest of my life with than my best friend.. Will you marry me?"
A huge smile crosses my face and tears start to drop from both of our eyes.
"Yes, I will beautiful!"
She gets up, puts the ring on my finger, and hugs me as everyone who stopped to watch, claps and cheers.
They call our flight over the intercom.
Ariel hugs us and says," Yay! 'Bout damn time you two! Come on, we have a flight to catch."
I look at my fiancé.
"After you, my queen."

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