Chapter 20

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Derek's eyes get big as they continue to knock. He puts the gun to my head.
   He whispers, "Nobody say NOTHIN' or I'll shoot this bitch."
   We all stay quiet. My girls let out a few whimpers out of fear for my life. I sit on the floor with this cold steel to my scalp, staring back at them, watching their tears fall and shedding a few of my own.
   Derek picks me up off the floor by my bad arm and I start to scream in pain but stop when he cocks the gun back and places on the back of my neck.
   He whispers, " SHUT THE FUCK UP.. I'ma go open the door. Y'all better STAY in here and stay QUIET or I PROMISE I'll kill her. I aint got nothin' to lose. Don't be stupid.."
   They stand there quietly with their hands in the air and watch in fear as he slings me in front of him by my bad arm and dares me to scream. He walks me into the living room and throws me on the couch.
   He whispers,"  You don't say shit. SIT there and BE QUIET."
   He keeps the gun pointed at me while he goes to open the door. He opens it and I hear a strange voice talking to Derek in a panicked way. I can tell it's a guy and he has a really strong British accent.
   I'm trying to make out what the mystery voice is saying.
   "Hey man I ran into your car out here."
" Damn! How the fuck you do that?", Derek replies sounding frustrated.
   " Man, I was arguing with my girl friend and she grabbed the wheel while I was driving. She's right here. "
   I hear a familiar female voice and a gun cock back as the male bum rushes the door. Derek takes the gun off of me and goes to point it at the male but he tackles him and they both spill in on the floor, knocking the gun that was in Derek's hand my way.
I pick it up and aim it at Derek.
" Come on out my loves!", I shout.
My girls run out and hug me.
"Ahh, bad arm."
They say in unison, "Sorry."
My sister walks in the door holding the gun that I heard cock back. It's hot pink and black, of course. She looks so beautiful in her high heel, combat boots, her jeggings, and her hoody but she also looks majorly pissed . She doesn't let anyone fuck with her little sis. We've had our good times and our bad times of course, but at the end if the day I know she's got my back and I got hers.
I go over and hug her with my good shoulder as the British guy, with his over grown muscles, beats Derek senseless on the floor. With every hit, Derek spits out blood. He tries to fight back but is in no way a match for the body builder.
With the last powerful jab, Derek's head bounces off the hard, wooden floor. His eyes roll up to the Heavens and then to the back of his head and close. Muscles stops hitting him and stands up.
   "He should be out for a few. Get your things ladies so we can get going."
   Mo and Shayla go find their phones in Derek's room and come back. My sis calls me an ambulance and the police.
   Before they get here, I hand her my keys and tell her that I have more clothes in my car. She gets them and brings them to me and I go change.
   I hear the sirens of the ambulance approaching. I meet them outside, they put me in, and we head to the hospital. Before we drove off, the cops arrived while we were sitting there and I got to see them take Derek to their car in handcuffs. I can hear my lovely sister's voice in the front seat of the ambulance, talking with the driver.

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