Chapter 4

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Btw thank you so freaking much for almost 60 reads & almost 20 votes! Ily guys, & the comments motivate me to do more! I love it x


After she had fallen asleep, I had drove, where to?

To my mates house, they know what I 'did' to her parents, they have their own gang.

I couldn't kill Raisa. Not yet.

She was special.

She knew things, things she has no idea her mind could ever ponder.

She knows why I 'killed' her parents, but she won't accept the truth of course.

She loved her parents, though she never showed it, she would always love her parents, murderers or not.


I woke up on something soft, and I felt the warmth of a blanket encase me.

I got up all too quickly, laying back down to try and ease the dizzy lightheaded-mess going on in my head.

"You're awake" the voice I've heard all too much today spoke.

"Why am I here", the first thing I have bothered to mutter.

I sat up, the blanket resting on my legs.

My legs. Now covered in sweatpants, not jeans. My sweater gone, now in a large shirt.

"Who changed me, so help me god if it was you..." I trailed off, interrupted by him once again.

"Calm down, I gave Sophia some of my clothes, and asked her to change you." he said slightly amused.

His clothes?

Sophia? "Sophia?" I asked.

"Liam's girlfriend" he replied quickly.

"Yeah I'm gonna need more than just some names.." I said sarcastically.

"You'll know him when you see him. Quite frankly, you'll know them all when you see them." He explained, and motioned for me to get up.

I sighed and turned my self around, legs dangling off of what was a bed.

My feet touched the ground and I hissed in pain.

I looked down at my left ankle, which was wrapped up.

"Oh, Here." Harry spoke handing me a cup of water and a white capsule.

I quickly gulped it down, and set my right foot down only.

I hopped on my right foot, and hesitantly placed my arm on Harry's shoulder, but he didn't mind as he took my arm and placed it around his neck, his arm wrapping around my waist, as I hopped, walking much easier.

We were now in a hallway, and I groaned seeing a set of stairs.

"I could carry you if you want?" Harry asked.

"No I got it."  I replied quickly.

"Just like your mum" he mumbled.

"What?" I stopped and processed what he had just spoken.

"You're like your mum, always wanting to challenge yourself, and do things on your own." He spoke, seeming not to care that that was my mother, the person I loved, whom he killed.

I quickly removed my arm from around his neck and hopped down the stair on one leg, holding on to the rail.

"You don't know my mum" I mumbled quietly to myself.

Once I reached the last step, I stopped and gasped.

They're all here.

My fucking nightmare has come alive.

Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Harry all in one house.

zamn orgy

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