Chapter 33

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Thinking is tiring, to be honest. Harry, he loves me. He actually loves me. I never thought someone would love me before I was able to love my own self.

He may be the most beautiful human on the planet, so I cannot fathom why he would love someone like me?

So much has happened, yet somehow, he's managed to put me back together.

Love, it's such a strong word. Such a big commitment. What if he realises how ugly I am and will stop loving me? Would he leave me?

Overthinking can cause you to reflect quite a bit. You think about your life, the people around you, the people who've come, and the people who've gone.

Don't I love Harry? Hell, of course I do.

I just have to find a way to say it, and say it with lots of meaning.

The only time I said 'I love you' and meant it was when my brother died.

Harry better not die before I tell him I love him. At least he won't die, he's a killing machine.

It's funny how the whole time I've thought about this, I was sitting right next to him, watching a movie.

"Harry?" I ask.

"Yes love?" He says, and my heart takes a moment to flutter.

"How many people have you killed?" I ask.

"...hmm, I have to think for a moment. Uh, From my first kill to all three of Zayn's sisters', I've killed about 247 people" he says and my eyes widen.

"Wow" I say.

He lightly chuckles, and I ruffle my hands through his hair as his head lays on my lap.

He sighs in content and I squeeze his cheeks.

"Stoooooop" he whines.

"What a baby." I giggle at him.

I stop laughing as soon as lifts his head off my lap and sits up, attempting to get at me. I quickly jump off the couch and run towards the stairs.

I run up the stairs and into our room, locking the door.

"Open the door, Raisa." He says all stern-like.

"Nope" I say, popping the 'p'.

"Fine" he says, and I hear a jingling of keys. I run for the closet, and I hide in there. What a sucky hiding place.

The door opens, and I try to breathe as quiet as possible.

"Hmm, I wonder where Raisa could be." He says in a taunting voice.

I accidentally let out a scoff, and he chuckles.

"Gotcha." He says, opening the closet doors, looking down at me sitting.

He kneels down to the floor and I scoot back. He sits next to me, and then the question he asks causes me to shudder.

"What exactly did Des.. do to you." he asks.

"...I..." I say, struggling for a moment.

"He tried to undress me.. and he tried to.. touch me.. My brother shot him before he could go any further.." I finish my sentence, releasing a sigh. A feeling of weight was lifted off my shoulders after Harry being the second person I had told.

He pulls me close, kissing me on my head and mumbling a sorry.

"It's alright. It felt good to tell someone besides my own brother." I say and he wraps his arms tighter around me.

"You're squeezing me" I say, giggling.

"Aww is the little baby Raisa being squished too much?" He says, pinching my cheeks.

"I take it you're giving me payback." I say and he nods.

"Alright, stand up. I'm tired of sitting." I say and stand up. He does the same.

"I'm boooored." Harry says.

"Ugh, me too." I say.

"We could go for ice cream" he says, smirking at me.

"Will it end up with me sucking your dick later on?" I ask, whining.

"So are you saying that you'd like to suck my dick?" He says, and I walk away from him.

"Eye- come back 'ere!" He says, walking after me.

"I just wanna lay down, and cuddle-- ooh and sleep!" I say and he chuckles pulling me towards him.

"Well aren't you hungry or something? We haven't eaten all day." He says.

"No, not really, but if you're hungry we can eat." I say, and he shakes his head.

"Cuddling it is, then." He says, pulling me over to the bed.

"Mmm I love cuddling." I say, cuddling my head into his chest, inhaling his strong cologne.

"Is this Bleu de Chanel?" I ask, and he laughs, nodding.

"It's heavenly."

"You're heavenly."

"Mhm okay." I say.

"Everything about you is heavenly. That's why I love you." He says, causing my heart to do monkey flips.

"If I am heavenly, you must be god, cause damn." I say and he laughs.

He kisses my hand, and I lift my head up, kissing him on his soft lips.

He smiles at me, stealing another kiss.

"I'm gonna get the last kiss." I mumble, kissing him back.

"How about we both get the last kiss." He says, and I nod, straddling him.

Our lips meet at the same time, and I savour the taste on his.

I follow the movement of his lips, his tongue occasionally gliding across my lips.

He squeezes my butt, and I gasp, his tongue entering my mouth.

I teasingly suck on his tongue before pushing his tongue out the way, making my way into his mouth.

I enjoy a little dominance from time to time, but for some reason, whenever I see that dark tint in his eyes, it makes me submissive. I love looking into his eyes. The lust and passion currently filling the both of ours'.

We pull away and he places a kiss at the corner of my mouth, and I smile.

I pause for a moment, thinking over what I am about to say, and if I really want to say it. I am pretty sure I do.

"Harry." I say, my breath back at its regular pace.

"Yeah?" He questions.

"Have you ever made love?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"Good, me neither. Want to try?" I ask, and he nods, gulping.

So you won't believe this, but I'll post the last chapter tonight or tomorrow, and maybe the epilogue tonight or tomorrow. You'll never know what I've got in store ;)

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