Chapter 13

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I awake with a major headache.

I sit up way too fast which only worsens it. Probably shouldn't have done that.

I head downstairs, barely being able to see, as my eyes are blurry.

I see Harry sprawled out on the couch, his hair hanging off the edge.

I tiptoe over to him, only to trip over the table and fall on to him. He immediately jumped up and I fall on the floor, hitting my head on the marble table, immediately crying out in pain.

This kind of event seems way to unrealistic.

My head begins to spin, and I feel lightheaded.

My eyes continue to blink, trying to get a clear image, only to shut my eyes.

And they stay that way.


I squint my eyes, groaning, hearing loud voices near me.

"Shut.." I mumble, not feeling like finishing my sentence.

"She's awake, mate" I hear an accent say.

I try to open my eyes, but I shut them, not used to the light yet.

I continue to blink and squint until I adjust to the light.

I look around to see that I'm not in the boys' house.

The room in here is white and there are shelves on the walls, holding things you'd see in the hospital.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You're at our base, but this is where we go if we get injured during shootouts" Liam says.

I sit up quickly, still not learning from my past experiences, my head spinning.

I wince, touching my head, feeling wrap on my head.

"What even happened?" I ask, not being able to remember what happened.

"Well you fell on me," Harry snickers, "and when I pushed you off, you hit your head, real hard too." He finishes.

My stomach growls, and I realise that I haven't eaten for some time now.

I don't feel like eating, for some strange reason.

"Can we leave now?" I ask.

"About that..." Liam begins.

"Can you elaborate on that please?" I question.

"We're kinda in a fight between another gang, which means we've got to stay here for quite a while. Not in this place but the base. Get up and follow us" Liam says.

I turn my body and hop off the makeshift bed, my head spinning for a moment as try to grab for something, only to be grabbed by someone and held steady.

"You good?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, totally" I sarcastically scoff.

He only snickers as he helps me walk, until we reach the stairs. I've got that part.

I exit the 'infirmary', as I'd like to call it, and we enter a small hallway, with two places it leads into.

I follow behind Harry, who follows behind the other boys.

Before we can enter the room in front, the building shakes, followed by a piercing explosion, which sends the roof caving in.

"C'mon Raisa!" Harry yells, as I run behind, covering my head.

I fall from a board on the roof which was on the floor, and Harry keeps running, until he turns to see me, struggling to get up.

"God dammit, Raisa, why do always keep falling?" He says, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

Harry comes to an abrupt halt, and as I look beside his torso, we are met with a group of guys, about the same age as the boys, all holding guns, looking at us with devious smirks.

And that's when the boys pull their guns out and I am told to run back to the infirmary, as there a small base right under there.

I run back and find the infirmary, running in and closing the door behind me.

I see the small metal latch on the floor, as a run to it, lifting up the heavy plate from the ground.

I step into it, my legs guiding me into the ladder. I step down, hitting a small string, most likely the light, as a I pull it.

There are cabinets and a table, as I sit on a chair.

Now I wait, and hope for the best.


Srry for this sht chapter.
I have hella writers block and hope you can forgive me.

What is your opinion on Niall and Selena and your opinion on Louis and Danielle?

I think it's shit, but if they're both happy then whatever.

Thanks for reading, Ily.

All the love, x. D

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