Chapter 29

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I enter the house quietly, my phone showing the time to be 1:27 am. I shut the door behind me and I remove my coat, hanging it on the stair.

I take my shoes off, and I grab my coat and put them both in the closet.

I walk up the stairs and into my room, and I take my pants off, along with my shirt.

I look over to Raisa, eyes closed in deep slumber.

I kick my clothing to the corner and I lift the covers on the bed, gently getting under them so that I don't wake her up.

I lay the covers back down on our bodies once I am under and I pull her closer, a sense of deja vu taking over as I inhale her scent.


I wake up with soft hair tickling my neck, and I slowly turn. Looking at Harry, my mind goes back to last night and I shamelessly wish for it to happen again. I can't even give my own self that pleasure.

I push his hair back, as it sticks to the sweat on his forehead. I still think about how I got to this point in my life. From simply despising him because I thought he killed my parents, to killing someone for him and letting him pleasure me.

I notice him awake when I see his eyes move under his eyelids and I watch as his eyes flutter open, looking at my face in front of him.

"Mornin'" he says, his voice thick and raspy. I nearly melt.

"Morning" I say back, looking at his eyes, taking in the beautiful colour every single time.

"Your eyes are so beautiful, ugh" I say, and he smiles.

"And yours aren't?" He says.

"No, they're a mix of hazel and brown. They aren't bright like yours." I say.

"Nonetheless, they're beautiful. Have you seen eyes of the chocolate range in the sunlight? Most beautiful fucking sight ever. Now shut up and love your eyes." He says and I laugh.

"My eyes are the only thing I favour, actually." I say, and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm not going through this conversation. You should favour every single part of your body. Now get up before we do something else in this bed." He says, and as I get out of bed, he smacks my ass making me wide awake.

He snickers as I glare at him.

I walk to my room and I grab the essentials for my shower.


After blow drying my hair, I take the flat iron and I begin flat ironing my hair, parting it as I go for more quicker results.

After I'm done, I run down stairs, and flick my hair out of my face, obviously annoyed by it already.

I walk to the kitchen for water, and I'm startled when Harry appears behind me.

"C'mon loser, we're going shopping." He says and I laugh.

"Did you just quote Mean Girls?" I says.

"So what? Now come on, get out this house woman." He says sassily.

"But look what I'm wearing!" I say like a child.

"I don't care about what you're wearing, that's all that matters now come on, or I'll drag your ass out of this house" he says and I get up, following him suit to get our shoes, and running upstairs to grab my wallet.

I slip on my Nike Roshes and he puts his boots on.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Stop asking questions, gosh." He says.

"But that's like the first question I asked.." I say.

"Whatever. Like I said, we're going shopping. I need new boots, and you can do whatever you want." He says.

"Okay.. I guess I'll go shopping then." I say.

He pulls into the mall, and I get out the car, and he does as well.

"I'll be in YSL, later loser." He says and walks off. (Let's just pretend they have a Saint Laurent in North Carolina cause I sure as hell wish they did).

I walk into Victoria's Secret, and go to look at the panties.

I pick out 7 pairs, cause the deal says 7 for $35, 3 of which are a soft fabric with a PINK band on the top and the rest are lace.

I go to the bras and pick out 3, cause it's buy 2 get 1 free. I guess it's my lucky day cause damn, these deals can't get any better. Or can they?

After picking out 3 pairs of matching sweatpants and jackets, I head to the cash register and pay for my stuff walking out with 2 bags in my hands, and some stress off my shoulders.

I see the YSL store across from where I am and I walk over there. Does Harry seriously buy YSL? I used to just shop there for handbags and clutches, but I never really considered shoes.

I was an online shopper, anyways.

I walk into the story as Harry is at checkout and he hands the lady -who seems to be undressing him with her eyes- a card, and she swipes it in the machine, handing him his card, receipt, and shoes. Before he turns, he winks at her and I feel the sudden urge to just jump at her.

I don't even notice Harry until he speaks.

"Jealous, are we?" He says with a cocky smirk.

"Would I even deny?" I say, and he grins, pulling me closer to him, the bimbo frowning and glaring at me.

I mouth a 'fuck off' and flick her off as we walk out.

"Are you hungry?" He asks, and I nod.

We head to the food court, and I go to subway and he follows along.

I order a foot long, and he does too.

We head out, deciding on eating at home.

He opens the door on my side and I smile at him, thanking him for the kind gesture.

When I get in the car, I put our sandwiches on my lap, and turn to see Harry holding up a pair of my lace panties.

"Well wouldn't these be sexy on you?" He says and I snatch them away, my cheeks heating up.

"Ugh, why me?" I rhetorically question myself.

He snickers all the way home.

Oooh I can't wait for their relationship to extend further. MMMM WAIT FOR NEXT CHAPTER SHITS GONNA BE CRAZY ASF

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