Chapter 8

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Please Read This!!

-Okay, hi. I just wanted to say thank you so much for over 200 reads and almost 70 votes. Your support for my story is amazing and I love you guys's comments. Thank you for voting and don't be a ghost reader! Don't be afraid to comment & vote! Ily so much and thank you for reading!

Btw, this chapter is really graphic with the murdering and all.


As I wake up, I get up and head for the stairs.

My ankle is healing quite alright and I don't feel much pain any longer when I walk on it.

When I reach the last step of the stairs, I walk to the kitchen and see Liam.

"Hey... So um where are we going?" I asked, breaking the awkward tension.

"Tremor Avenue. It's all I can tell you.." He trailed off and I sighed walking away.

I have never heard of Tremor Avenue, but it sounds so familiar.

I decided to go find Harry, and when I looked downstairs, he was nowhere to be seen.


I woke up quite early this morning, just to get some business finished.

I put all my materials in my car the night before, after having talked with Raisa.

I cannot believe I actually caused those bruises to her arms.

I have no idea why, but my heart sunk when she ran upstairs, to avoid the situation.

There is one man I need to 'take care' of today..

I drive to the destination I set up with him, just to lead him into a trap, and I step out of my car, taking my materials with me. A gun in between my jeans and boxers, hidden under my shirt, a switch pocket blade, leather gloves (to avoid finger prints), and a hair net, just so my hair doesn't get in to the crime scene.

I see the man standing in the far corner of the alley, and I approach him with a bag, full of cocaine of course.

For this murder, he deserves to die a slow and painful death.

He smiles to me, "Styles!" And before he can finish walking up to me, I pull our my gun and shoot him in the gut.

The blood quickly runs from his white shirt, and since I shot him in the gut, it was bound to hit and puncture both his stomach and intestines. Hopefully some other organs, too.

He screams out in pain holding his lower stomach, as I watch him fall to the floor and cry out.

I make sure my gloves are on, and that my hair net is secured around my head, which is pretty odd that he didn't notice any of it. All he wanted was the cocaine, of course.

I chuckle as he continues to cry, and scream out pain, as I decide whether or not to put him out of his misery.

His cries ring in my ear, and it sounds like music.

I walk up to him, and look into his eyes, holding the gun right to his heart, slowly pulling the trigger, watching him in fear.

Finally the last blow is taken as his pupils shrink to the speck of a freckle, and the satisfaction I feel is beyond exhilarating.

I come to my car, looking cleaner than ever, which surprised me, as I had no blood on me, but I had to change anyways, just to be safe.

I leave his body there, to decay and I keep the cocaine with me.

I start the car, --after removing my gloves and hair net--, and I drive back to the house, hoping to see the boys and Raisa all ready to go.

And once I've made it to the house, I see Liam loading the truck, and Raisa walking with Louis and Niall right behind to make sure she doesn't try anything.

I take one peek at her arms and they are still bruised.

Why do I have to be such a prick?

Btw I'm so sorry if this is late idk I usually update every 5-7 days but I feel like this is late.

Sorry for this shit chapter too, I'm embarrassed to admit that I've got a bit of writers block, and I was pretty upset today so I decided to write a very graphic murder scene, even though it wasn't too graphic. Cause I can get really graphic up in here, but this is like the longest chapter I've written for this story so far, and once again, I thank you guys so much for your support and if you ever need to talk I'm here. Keeping doing you,

All the love x, Dunya.

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