Chapter 22

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I feel like nobody reads this story anymore :/

Can you guys also suggest any songs to go with this story? Loving the Arctic Monkeys right now. All their albums on shuffle 😍

I like this song lol it's dark af
But any ways, let's get on with the story.


Plane to Sheffield is boarding now, please make your way to the booth with your bags and tickets.

Was I excited? Fuck yes. I was going to kill Zayn's mother; the person he loves the most.

Raisa and I make our way to the booth, and hand the attendant our tickets. I could see the attendant eyeing me hungrily out of the corner of my eye, and I smirk. Not only do I love a good murder, but I do enjoy a good fuck.

Focus, Harry.

We walk into the plane, and I only have a small bag along with Raisa. I snuck around the metal detector, don't ask how. Raisa did too, except she almost got caught and I laughed my ass off.

I place our bags in the compartment above our heads and sit down. First class, baby.

16 hours ahead of us, and I already have a car rented out once we reach the airport in Sheffield.

*8 Hours Later*

I wake up only to be met with Raisa asleep.

A small pout adorns her lips and a frown etched into her eyebrows.

My thumb mindlessly reaches for her forehead, smoothing out her frown, only for it to return. I sigh, looking out the window next to me, the dark skies aesthetically soothing.

My eyes feel heavy again, and I shut them, sleep welcoming me.


I awake abruptly, the landing causing my ears to pop, but I act as if it doesn't phase me. Raisa literally out of breath next to me as the landing frightened her.

I lightly snicker at her and she turns to me, scowling.

"You think that's funny? I woke up to my ears popping and feeling like falling from the sky!" She says, and I can't help but laugh at her tenseness.

"Gosh calm down, keep talkin' like that and imma eat ya asshole" I say mimicking Brandon Rogers, this guy I found on YouTube.

"Have you been watching Brandon Rogers?" She asks, and I nod.

"The Day as Mom video is my favourite. 'You are the come shot I should have swallowed' ahh poor kid" she laughs.

"You can swallow mine" I say and smirk.

I watch as her face turns red, and gets replaced with a look of disgust.

"God, no. That's disgusting" she says.

"Your mind will change soon, love." I say and she mumbles an 'mhm'.

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